Slipknot Cover "Disasterpiece" with vocals posted!!!


Artist: Idoler
Nov 11, 2008
Alameda, Ca.
Well, i happened to run across my "Disasterpieces" dvd last week, remembered how awesomely brutal Slipknot actually was, and decided to do a cover! Anyway, Lemme know what you guys think, thought some of you (old school Slipknot fans) might get a kick out of this. :)

note: i DO NOT own an Electro Harmonix Bassballs pedal, which is what Mick actually used for the intro effect, so i had to be creative :p

Cheers Everyone! :kickass:
and ENJOY!!!

"Disasterpiece_COVER" (by Idoler) (UPDATED MIX)

wow really good job on this! you captured the feel of the original really well! the drums really have that joey jordison sound and the guitar has that same raunchy quality
Fucking raunchy guitar sounds. Awesome. Love Slipknot's Iowa. Drums have a real sick sound too. Great job.

Thanks so much guys! :)

TeddyBoy- the drums are DFHS1 (not S2.0 MF! some thought they were the Slipknot drum pre's from MF). i used the Pearl 4 snare, the premiere toms i believe (might have been the Fibes, not sure at this moment, not at home, whichever is more "open and dead" sounding), and the Sonor 1 kick!!! a lot of post eq! :headbang:
the guitars- Ibanez RG w/ emgx's, Pod X3 patch=big bottom amp model, treadplate cab, dynamic mic, tube screamer pedal!
seriously, thanks a lot you guys...this really was a ton of fun to do! :D

Nice one.

I quite liked them back then too. Haven't bothered to check out the new album.

i don't know man, after Iowa Slipknot went from making great having some cool moments here and there...but their newer stuff just isn't the "Slipknot" i knew and loved. (i will say, melodic "radio" catchy as all hell tho...still, not the Slipknot i knew and loved :loco:)