i hope you've never used a calculator... because that would make you really GAY!
and i hope you've never quantized ANYTHING, audio or MIDI, because that would make you a BALL LICKER!
and i dearly wish that you've never tuned a vocal track, no matter how slight the correction, because that would make you ANAL RECEPTIVE!
and oh, how i long to know that you've never used a guitar tuner to tune your instrument. REAL MEN use tuning forks.
punch-ins or recording the song in any other way than all the way through in one take? CHEATING.
using an arpeggiator on a keyboard? CHEATING.
using a compressor because the part wasn't played with the proper dynamics? CHEATING
i can go on and on. using technology to achieve your vision is fucking COOL. fuck anyone who says otherwise. whether or not they can play it doesn't really fucking matter does it? if they can't play it live, then people will hear it. If they don't hear it, then their fans are stupid and deserve to hear shitty music that can't be played. and let them enjoy it, and just don't go to that show. you don't piss all over everybody who doesn't do the same thing you do, do you?
program drums? CHEATING
sample reinforcement/replacement? CHEATING
reamping? CHEATING
impulses? CHEATING
let's face it. modern digital recording is ALL ABOUT CHEATING.
this is fucking evil. and the devil loves to cheat. get with it, where you been man? down at the crossroads?
the best music and musicians make the best SONGS, so FUCK who is doing what just to make something that IMPRESSES for 1 second. it doesn't matter it will never be SUNG by a group of people. hot girls won't rub themselves with lust and shake they bust.
guitar strap? CHEATING! (you should be able to hold that shit)
lighter/matches? CHEATING! (flint and tinder bitches)
writing in the studio gives you the OPPORTUNITY to explore all kinds of shit that you would otherwise be CLOSED OFF from.
i think this just pisses the people off who spent a year of their life practicing sweeping so they'd be abe to do it and now there is a digital way to do it. just like singers who can sing well hate auto tune and you get my drift...
this is modern life. ATM CARDS, FREEWAYS, AIRPLANES. 180bpm metal.
i digress. i've never done this... never needed to. i don't sweep nor do i feel like i need it in a song. but i think it's a cool idea.
and i used to like watching the chipmunks but i guess it was all just a big lie, those weren't their real voices. : ( i thought they were real chipmunks, but they were actually dudes. fuck.
the analytical mind is a clusterfuck of ego and void. think free.
that post really had nothing to do with the fact this guy wants to play something in real time and speed it up later. quantizer a shit drummer is cheating....learn to fucking play that shit.
program drum....not cheating if you dont have a drummer
reamping....not cheating if the original performance is done by a human and in real time....lazy yea....not taking the time to properly mic an amp, or not having the amp you wished you had
impulses.....the same as above
guitar strap....come need one hand to strum and the other to press down the strings to get a note...but i guess you could just hold the guitar with the other hand and strum all open strings and edit the right ones in later

you say this is modern life..............................................................
maybe because my age this attitude bothers me because i started playing music at age three took music in elementary school when i got to middle school i was in band learning music. got into high school and was in marching band for the four years there, and when i see kids who has no desire to learn this fucking craft, but takes on the attitude that it's ok that i suck....i'll fix it later to make it look like i'm bad ass, that bothers me. but thats just me.