SLUDGE: Anthrax's John Bush Fights Fan!

I gave the motherfucker a nice low blow in the midsection myself. What a fag. I was pissed off at him before Bush even gave him any attention. And in response to whoever wrote that it left a sour taste in people's mouth. I don't think so. It pumped everybody up. Especially me. Cheers to J.Bush for standing up for himself !!

If Anthrax needs John Bush to get mad and throw punches at some low life who maybe likes Belladona better or was there to see Priest, just to get the crowd going ... then that's pretty sad.

Scott Ian's embarrasment throughout the whole incident was the proof that it wasn't a necessary nor professional thing to do from a band of talented and seasoned musicians.
I repeat, he's only human. And at that point in time, he was a really PISSED OFF human at that. lol Give him a break.:muahaha:
Madkill is just straight up gay. If you don't fight for you right, then what the fuck good are you????? FAG talk about being pro and sad and stupid shit. FUCK you
See......John Bush gave fair warning to that little bitch......the guy should have paid attention. I believe that "Inside Out" which that quote comes from was played prior to "Anti-Social" which is when "The Shit" hit the "Fan" ("The Shit" being a good term for our resident badass J. Bush and "Fan" being a derogatory term for the fuckwad who got exactly what he was asking for.......probably just more than he wanted!!!)
That was the first thing that I thought of too when I read about it, that the stupid little jackoff will probably try and sue. He'll use not only assault but emotional distress because everyone here has outed him as the fag that he is. It's not our fault, he should have come out on his own. What I don't get is people here saying Bush was unprofessional. Okay, if he wasn't John Bush, but just some angry fuck in the pit, y'all would be cheering his happy ass on, and helping out too. Don't even deny it, I've watched the fuckers in the pit, that's why I stay the hell out of them. But just because he's in the band, he's not allowed to get pissed?? What kind of logic is that?? I'd be pissed at BUSH (there ya go, Greg) if he DIDN'T kick that guy's ass. It's not BUSH's fault that guy has a hard-on for Joey, nor should he have to take abuse for said hard-on. If someone flipped me off once for 3 seconds, I'd be pissed, but this guy kept it up for three songs?? What did he expect, a fucking happy dance?? (BUSH: Woo-hoo!! I'm getting disrespected at my own show!!! I've dreamed of this since I was a little boy!!!!!-I think not.) He's lucky what happened is ALL that happened. I think the crowd should have fucked his ass up long after BUSH was done with him. I think he should have grounds to sue everyone in the damn building for every one of them kicking his ass around. But no, the next day, a few people threw some punches (I've read the posts), but the guy is still alive and well and probably jacking off to some Joey shit in his mom's basement. And BUSH gets slandered on his own fucking board. Ian's right-free speech isn't always a good thing.
In your dreams, maybe.

Oh I get it, YOU'RE the asshole we're talking about that was acting like a little bitch at the show!! Or maybe he's your American cousin. It must run in the family.

It all makes sense now!!!

How about you go fuck yourself, and take your whining with you, because no one here wants to hear it.

It's so sad that your first post was to try and fuck with ME. You should know better. And wait til gregthraX gets a hold of this one...Woo-hoo!!!

I can't even blame your ignorance on being a foreigner, because there are plenty of UK people that post here that DON'T have their heads wedged up their asses.

I guess I can only blame genetics.
Why didn't you took the guy out and beat the shit out of him BEFORE the band stopped playing and did what they did ??? Cause you're all talk that's why !!! Bitches like you who started listening to Metal the other day are the ones that perpetuate the bad image us people into Metal get.

Bush WAS unprofessional, stupid and looked like a whiny guy in an upstarting band. Is he always going to start a fight just because a guy flips him off ??? Hell, if that what's all about, then I guess I should reserve my opinion about Armored Saint's "Revelation" for fear he'll come to my house and try to kill me.

I'm sure he's embarrased and realized that what he did was childish. I know Ripper Owens could have cared less if a guy would have flip him off that night and he's replacing one of the legends of the genre.
Yes, I'm sure John Bush totally gives a flying fucking rat's ass what you think about anything.

I bet he's reading your posts and sobbing.

Aww, you made BUSH cry.

What I really think is that Madkill is the kind of guy who goes to shows and flips bands off and it scares him that some bands get pissed about it, because he knows what's coming.

Again, if he wasn't John Bush, but some angry fuck in the pit, none of us would be talking about how "wrong" he is, because it would be not only over and done with, but EXPECTED OF HIM.

It's not people like Alex Stomp that make metalheads look bad, it's assholes like you with your double standards that make us look like shit.

If you're that offended, why don't you fuck off and stop coming to the ANTHRAX (that would be John Bush's band, in case you don't know) board. The only ones agreeing with you are the assholes none of us want to hear from anyway.
YOU are going to tell me to get off this board ??? You who probably started listening to Anthrax at the same time that Alex Stomp did (i.e. a week ago )??? You gotta be kiddin' me !!!

I don't go to shows to flip bands off, I spend my hard earned money to see a band PLAY not to see the band act like the assholes that flip them off. And your lame-ass argument that "if he wasn't John Bush, but some angry fuck in the pit, none of us would be talking about how "wrong" he is" is so stupid that I'm speechless. I didn't pay to see John Bush stop singing because he doesn't like a retard in the crowd, but what you know about paying for a ticket, you Daddy must have paid for yours ... oh I forgot, you're too young to go to shows.

I know John Bush doesn't care about my opinion or yours for that matter, so I don't expect him to reply or change the way he is. I posted my message to express how I felt about the incident.

I'll come to this forum as many times as I please, I'll state my opinion on whatever I feel like and if you don't like what I say, too bad.

Now take your poser ass to Wal-Mart and buy yourself a Nascar shirt.
You think you know anything about me??

First of all, I've been listening to them since I was 8 years old, as in 15 years ago. So you can kiss my ass on that one.

And obviously you've never even been to a show that even has a pit (N Sync looks down on that) because you don't know about a fucking thing that happens in one. One guy throws a punch, and the whole pit jumps his ass. It happens at EVERY show that has a pit. And if you argue that point, all you'll do is prove mine: You've never been near one.

I've been to an Anthrax show before, and how you could call a single one of them unprofessional, regardless of their actions, is quite beyond me. They put everything they have into every fucking song they play. And that completely overrides any off-stage/non-musical moment that might occur. What do I know about paying for tickets? How about trotting down to Dillard's to buy it with my paycheck that came from working when I was 16 because I moved out on my own?? I'm too young to go to shows? You can check my profile, oh wait do you even know how? Because yours is empty so you're probably hiding how truly very childish you are.

As for Wal-Mart, I don't think they'd appreciate their employee of the month slamming them in such a manner.

And like you, I can say whatever the fuck I please. It's not my fault you come off looking like a whiny child. It's not like you're in the majority around here. From what I've seen, there's only a couple of people in here who agree with you, as opposed to the dozens who think your head is up your ass.
I didn't know metal bands had to be "proffessional" I haven't read the article yet but John Bush punched me once. it was badass. he also grabbed my hair. it was the revelation show in houston. It was a friendly gesture. maybe he shouldn't have punched the guy, but damn what the hell's up with standing there and flicking a lead singer off? I wonder if thats what the guy bought a ticket for? waste of time if you ask me.
See, that's what I'm talking about.

But I'm tired of talking about it. It just really pisses me off when anyone says any shit about Bush or any of the guys. WTF do you come here for? It's THEIR board. You can't expect their fans to put up with your shit when all you do is slam them. Their REAL fans, that is.
I read the article and it sounds to me that it was a fucking high tension crowd. I can't wait to hear the real story. I love John Bush, and anyone who says he made the band suck doesn't know what he's talking about. Charlie writes the music. although John adds more to the band than Joey did. And thats a comment I got from the band itself. Poor Rob... first he gets thrown in jail then he falls on his ass at the houston show, and then some guy rips on him. I like him he didn't ruin the tunes and john and frank have enough energy for everyone. maybe it was robs first time to realy play on stage? whatever, I forgive john!
I wasn't at the DC show, but I sure wish I wouldv'e been!! I would have stomped that guy--or at least puked on him!

Anybody who doesn't stand up for himself is a wanker! I do not blame John at all for what happened. I am sure he did what he had to do---and probably showed some restraint!!

If the guy didn't like John or Anthrax why the hell was he in the front row anyway?? SOB should have been at the 'N Sync show or whatever other GAY boy band he truly likes.

As for those posting that are not in agreement, well I respect your opinion but don't understand.

John Bush RULES ALL!!!!

Now I can HARDLY wait to see them!! Maybe I'll flip him off so I can get punched by John!! That would RULE!!!