That was the first thing that I thought of too when I read about it, that the stupid little jackoff will probably try and sue. He'll use not only assault but emotional distress because everyone here has outed him as the fag that he is. It's not our fault, he should have come out on his own. What I don't get is people here saying Bush was unprofessional. Okay, if he wasn't John Bush, but just some angry fuck in the pit, y'all would be cheering his happy ass on, and helping out too. Don't even deny it, I've watched the fuckers in the pit, that's why I stay the hell out of them. But just because he's in the band, he's not allowed to get pissed?? What kind of logic is that?? I'd be pissed at BUSH (there ya go, Greg) if he DIDN'T kick that guy's ass. It's not BUSH's fault that guy has a hard-on for Joey, nor should he have to take abuse for said hard-on. If someone flipped me off once for 3 seconds, I'd be pissed, but this guy kept it up for three songs?? What did he expect, a fucking happy dance?? (BUSH: Woo-hoo!! I'm getting disrespected at my own show!!! I've dreamed of this since I was a little boy!!!!!-I think not.) He's lucky what happened is ALL that happened. I think the crowd should have fucked his ass up long after BUSH was done with him. I think he should have grounds to sue everyone in the damn building for every one of them kicking his ass around. But no, the next day, a few people threw some punches (I've read the posts), but the guy is still alive and well and probably jacking off to some Joey shit in his mom's basement. And BUSH gets slandered on his own fucking board. Ian's right-free speech isn't always a good thing.