SLUDGE: Anthrax's John Bush Fights Fan!

Wow, this place is as warm and fuzzy as the Metal Sludge boards... I love it!!!!

I wish I had seen the fight and been close enough to take a swing... I didn't lose any respect for John at all after seeing that shit... damn I wish I could have been the one to take a swing at the guy first... damn, that alone made the roadtrip to D.C. worth it!!!

So this talk about a lawsuit, did anyone see for sure if the freak is going to sue, or was it bought up as a "if..." situation?


All from the newbie for now... later freaks...
Heh heh heh... damn straight!!!!

I never said I loved the warm and fuzzy shit either... I was socialized on the sludge boards. :) Been an Anthrax fan since God turned on the lights but haven't posted here regularly... someone on Sludge directed me to this... now there's another psycho roaming the place... aren't you lucky? ;) Later freaks!!!
Alright, first off,
We're ANTHRAX fans. That is Fistful of Metal line up to Taking the Music Back line up.
My favorite song happens to be Belly of the Beast, by I like John's songs overall more than Joey's. If someone was flipping John off and saying he sux and get Belladonna back, I'd be pissed off if I was a fan. Why the hell is that "fan" there? Has he lived under a rock for the last 10 years? Seriously, what the fuck?

I was at a Metallica concert and someone threw a bottle up on stage and hit Jason Newstand in the head. Metallica stopped the concert and said they might come back. The crowd was hella pissed off and the next thing we see is some mishapen guy tossed up to the security guards. He had the shit beat out of him. The security guards when realizing it was the guy that threw it weren't showing very much TLC to the stupid fuck while they dragged his ass away. I can tell you one thing, he got off lucky. Riots have started for less at the campground by where that concert was at. If he hadn't been taken away or given up by the pit, he would have been found in the Columbia River the next morning.
Metallica did come back out and thanked the crowd for giving up the bad apple and they played for a very long time afterwards. The concert seemed about 3/4 way done when they stopped, and they then played another hour and a half.

But let's bury this. C'mon people, we like Anthrax, this isn't a pissing contest. If it was, my money's on Bratprincess, I've known many a girl to out piss guys. So let's get on with it. What'd done is done.
"Fan" pissed off John. John hit "fan." "Fan" says he'll sue and becomes laughing stock of the metal community. Hope he doesn't go to another mosh pit soon and get himself recognized.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Well ThraxDude,

I already stated in previous posts that I'm tired of talking about it, yet Madkill has to keep coming back and starting shit again, and I'm all for letting it go, but I'm not gonna be disrespected by someone else's stupidity and sit here and take it without saying something about it. I am willing to drop it if he will just shut the fuck up.

my post wad not aimed directlly against brat, it was aimed towards americans in general, and the attitude going on on shows over there. Anthrax is one of my favorite bands, but i getting in too a fistfight with the spectators is not cool, and there is no apollogies for that kind of behaviour *plese make fun off my spelling if that amuse you*
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
In your dreams, maybe.

Oh I get it, YOU'RE the asshole we're talking about that was acting like a little bitch at the show!! Or maybe he's your American cousin. It must run in the family.

It all makes sense now!!!

How about you go fuck yourself, and take your whining with you, because no one here wants to hear it.

It's so sad that your first post was to try and fuck with ME. You should know better. And wait til gregthraX gets a hold of this one...Woo-hoo!!!

I can't even blame your ignorance on being a foreigner, because there are plenty of UK people that post here that DON'T have their heads wedged up their asses.

I guess I can only blame genetics.

theres something wrong with your attitude is´nt it ????????
if it wasent for you and mad talking all this shit we would have to give you 2 come backs
if you look at other post's that you and mad has put on you would see that the people in here are getting along real well. and that we all feel just about the same way so if you can cut the crap and shut up along with mad than talk with us and not against us we might all become more friend's than fighters

it's like you said drop it allready.

if you dont you are going to get more people pissed of at you
Originally posted by stalker138

my post wad not aimed directlly against brat, it was aimed towards americans in general

Dude, all kidding aside, you seriously picked the wrong time to talk about americans. We're over here swelling w/ pride and sorrow over 9/11 and you want to aim a cutdown to "americans in general"? Wrong choice of words man. But, then again, whens the last time NORWAY was attacked by terrorists who killed thousands of men, women and CHILDREN? Oh that's right, never.
On top of that, it's a sin and ''bad taste" for me to wear my ANTHRAX shirt over here too,those bastards even took the
ability for me to wear an ANTHRAX shirt w/ complete pride.
Maybe it's just me, but I didn't find that a very tasteful comment to make.

Just think about it.
Now that is an absolutely moronic statement. How many wars has America started in it 200 year history?
Of course there's nothing wrong with stating your opinion. That's one of the freedoms we enjoy over here.
I'm not pissed at you and I don't think you're wrong. I just think you are stupid. Ok for now....

J. You're " the man". You should be in detention.

This person, obviously doesn't think that it's wrong to knock buildings down w/ commercial planes and send ppl diseases in the mail.

What a great humanitarian you are stalker.

You wonder why we in america are at war?
I've got a wife and kid flying home to me 2morrow.
FLYING. Do you know how it feels to know some religious whack job can take a plane over and kill your child?
No. You don't. And you won't. Thanks to AMERICA.
We'll do the world a favor and take out this bastards entire organization, and you won't care.
One more fucker for my ignore list.
oh so well put. yeah all these people bitching about america's actions agianst the terrorists realy piss me off. I mean why is everyone bitching about what WE are doing and not about what the terrorists are doing. I may not completely agree with pres. bush's plan of action he's being way too pushy. but something must be done. I saw a magazine today that had a picture filled with like 50 widows that had children after 9/11. fathers who were killed by terrorist scum.