How is Hail!Hornet? I kind of am interested because I've seen their CD used a few times for very cheap and I'm a fan of some of the Southern sounding sludge so maybe I'd like it. Protips?

I'm a big Fleshpress fan (earlier stuff was more stoner, not they're very bleak black/doom/sludge) but also like Malasangre, Buried at Sea (Migration rules!) and dot(.).
Harvey Milk
Mind Eraser
Mastodon (early)

...a lot of other stuff with a lot of sludge influence, like Cursed, Trap Them, His Hero Is Gone, etc.
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, and I'm not even sure if they are "sludge metal", but I freakin love High on Fire.

Don't know why some people don't like them. To me they sound like Black Sabbath on acid.
do you consider bands like mouth of the architect sludge or post metal?

id consider them the latter, but others disagree...
Post-metal is such a ridiculous genre. Every single thing people label post-metal clearly belongs in genres that are well-defined, mostly sludge. Mouth of the Architect is an example of this, and a sludge band.
I agree, MOTA and related style bands are just a more "thoughtful" kind of sludge and don't really deserve a whole new genre name.
I have to disagree with both of you on this one. Sure bands like Isis, and MOTA have that sludge sound and influence but they are not pure sludge like Noothgrush, Grief, Fleshpress, etc.
Acid Bath are one of my favorite bands and have not listened to them awile. great band.