SM57 versus Beta57A: a quick test


Apr 20, 2005
So I was gassing for an Heil PR20 all because of HollowmanPL's thread but came into possession of Beta57A instead.:goggly:

So here's a quick "throw the mic in front of the cab" test:

Solo guitar buss (HP@80hz on the mic preamp):



In the (rough) mix, blended ~60/40% with a MD421n:



(ts808 + 5150 green channel + Marshall 1960bx)

I like the beta. More so than I expected. I was affraid it would sound harsh but it doesn't. It has a lot less proximity effect than the SM and less hi-mid sizzle (or fizz if you will).
Well... Cool I suppose...
I prefer the beta57a. good comparison!

please don't delete the files after a few days.
if you want to host them permanently somewhere go to
you don't need an iphone or something and it's free.
(you get direct links too)
No problem, I'll keep the files online.

I will try to make a snare drum shootout soon.
Didn't sound like the difference between the two was that big, but I did prefer the Beta57A. Thought it had a little more clarity than the SM57.
I will try to make a snare drum shootout soon.

Get some samples too if possible ;)

Didn't sound like the difference between the two was that big, but I did prefer the Beta57A. Thought it had a little more clarity than the SM57.

The difference is quite audible both guitars only and in the mix.
Especially in the low end. The character is the same thought.
I'd use the beta57a both on guitars and vocals.
While I liked the Beta57A, I'm still preferring the SM57. I thought the Beta sounded a bit more natural, but the SM57 just sounds like it does in my head every time. Probably because of conditioning over the years.

Nice comparison!
I'm actually considering buying my first dynamic mic pretty soon. I've been getting by with just a cheap mxl 990 small diaphragm condensor for vocals but I need some versatility. I know the sm57 is revered as the god of versatility when it comes to mics but what do you guys think I should go for? I like both of these examples but I'm also leaning towards the audix I-5. Sorry to thread-jack but I hate to make a new thread just to ask this :p
Just get a SM58 (just because it has a pop filter compared to the SM57). You'll never regret buying it so just go for it!
SM58 without grill is same as SM57 = I don't feel this way.

I have tried many and even compared, it might very well be the same but they do slightly sound different to my ears. I really notice on a snare drum. The 58 with the ball off does not sound the same too me. Maybe it's just my ears.
Yeah, i dont really want an sm58 because i want it more for guitar cabs, snares, maybe vocals, acoustic guitars, and anything else that i might decide to mic up

Get an sm57 first. I have 30+ mics and this is still the one that I grab first when recording a cabinet.
I like to experiment a lot with several mics together but the sm57 is always there to save my ass if things go wrong.
Not me haha! It was posted in the Practice Room section but I can't find the post.
Credits to the author.:Saint:
My bad.

I like both mics. I think each would be useful in specific situations. :)

SM sounds a bit scoopier than Beta here to me.