SM7 or MD421 + Fredman Technique?


Mar 22, 2007
Chicago, IL. USA
I was wondering if these two mics hold up when using the Fredman technique and what sort of techniques people have tried with good results. Basically, I a trying to get less of a sharp grindy tone and more of a smooth clear tone.

I am using an Engl Powerball and a 4x12 birch cab with Eminence Governors. I love the tone from the amp; it's really controlled and it doesn't have that really high cut to it that hurts my ears like some rigs do. It just seems like it is hard to capture that sound in with a single 57 or for that matter the Fredman technique (with 57s at least).

Any thoughts? I was going to try to throw some different mics into the mix. :rock:
One Sm57 should be enough to capture the sound. If your looking for a less sharp sound then you need to move the mic off axis. The fredman technique requires that you put one mic on axis there for your going to get a lot of bite if your blending more of the on axis mic. Also a simple solution to this would be to mess with your Presence and Treble controls to to make it sound smoother, probably need to cut them down a little.
Well, in my experience with fredman I´d say the most important thing in this technique is: PHASE
I´ve never get the phase perfect when blending different mikes...that´s why I have 2xSM57 and 2xi5 depending on the tone of the amp each combination works better. Another thing to consider is that the perfect point of phase is reached when both tracks are set with the same volume, while you start moving (volumes) off axis or on axxis phase accuracy starts changing....
Phase coherence is always important when you deal with more than one mic. Stop "listen" with your eyes (and meter for mesurement) and start to use your ear (and phase cancelation) for set your mic in phase. No need to get matched pair or same mic for that...
funnily enough i think the 421 sounds better off axis than on axis.. just in general.
i do a similiar thing 57 +royer 121 on axis + 421 off axis
I agree with greyskull.
57 on axis and 421 off axis sounds great.
Just put a rough mix up using exactly that.
I always place the 57 then invert phase on the 421 to position it then put phase back to normal when I'm finished. I often do this by sending pink noise to the amp.
It's easier to place a mic if you are looking for the most out of phase position rather than looking for the most in phase (if that makes sense)
57`s are mostly used on axis , and the second pair off axis
both mics Sm7b and 421 can produce good results as a second pair
In Flames used to blend SM57 and SM7b(smoother) with great results
Powerball amps tend to record wery hard, not easy to get a good sound out of them
If you like that tone than it`s ok...