

Ego-Boosted Southlander
Nov 20, 2001
Lvsitania Deluxe
Who in here smokes? And I mean everyday, not every once in a while.

Just curious.


I don't like this kind of pub even though I don't smoke. Anyone's entitled to do anything one wants FFS!
One of the worst thing with smokers (not all of them but...) :
You're walking in the street, and someone's coming :
:Smokin: -"T'as pas une clope?"
:err: -"Nan"
:Smokin: -"Va-te faire enculer"
And it happens more often if you have a long hair...

(hope you all understand the dialogue)
I stopped, but when I went to Egypt i bought a few cheap packs, so now I am into it again at a low level. I don't want to pay for the french price. So I just few cigarettes from time to time, one or two at night for the pleasure of it.
In the party mood: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokedev: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokedev: :kickass::Smokedev: :kickass: .........o_O ....:zzz: ....:ill:

So yeah I smoke sometimes, but only after 4 drinks.
i hate people smoking at the dinner table. and of course they did not ask. i think they shouldnt ask if theyre allowed anyway
i don't smoke, but i couldn't care less for other people's habits. i don't mind smoky pubs and such.
I'm no longer a smoker. But there are still moments when this ache in my abdomen prompts me to smoke a ciggie, I will be strong !!! I won't yield !!
I tried that smoking at parties business years ago, but somehow my lungs never agreed with smoking, and that horrible taste in your mouth the next morning :ill: , I get that from just kissing smokers. The total end was when I almost set a table on fire with my lack of smoking skills :Spin: .

It can bother me if too many people smoke around me, but usually I don't bitch about it.