smooth account transfer

Greg B.

fuck "M."
Apr 15, 2004
We got digital cable+Internet through Comcast. I learned a few things when we asked them to port service over to the new place...

01. When they say "the hardware work the moment you plug it in," they mean the moment after it's been plugged in for a day and a half and you've gone through 3 cable boxes, 9 phone calls, 4 technicians, and a 30 minute walkthrough over the phone with another
02. That guy who "just installs things" and can't answer any questions needs to be able to answer those questions to have that job.
03. If this technician realizes he has left behind defective hardware, he must come by the house again unannounced and not leave a note, voicemail, or any other such communique.
04. Should he write down a cable modem's ID number while rushing the install, he must do absolutely nothing with that information.
05. When you request someone to come by and fix cable/Internet and they send over a crack team of specialists for these purposes. they plug in a cable box then demand $50.00 to touch the modem.
06. Since a second person isn't needed to plug in a cable box, he needs to stand around, mumble things, and only be intelligible when it sounds like he's casing the joint.
07. If you ask any questions about the bill, this means you refuse to sign the work order and the technicians must storm off.
08. After an additional 30 minute phone call to Comcast, your Internet service will sporadically shit out until you call in an independent contractor who just looks at a configuration control panel, makes no keystrokes, and in the process fixes everything.
09. 3 phone calls to follow up the previous 9 aren't enough to get the proper cable package.