Snare bleed....


Jul 13, 2005
I'm on a friggin war with snare bleed.. if it isn't hihat its ride or china..

What do you guys do to get as little snare bleed as possible?
Hypercardoid mics?
Shielding the mic off with foam?

I'm not keen on gating snare so thats off i think...

Any piece of advice would be cool..

How I combat this once its recorded is duplicate the snare and then on the dup gate the crap out of it. Like 30-60 millisecond release so all you are getting it more of the pop real quick and then compress, etc and then turn down the original snare and mix this above it so you get the snare pop and the original snare is the meat but lower so the bleed is no where as apparent.

Expanders are nice in mixing. In tracking just move the hihat as high as the drummer will let you. (if he/she lets you mess with any placement, which the probably won't want to) and then point the 57 or whatever you're using at the snare, with the opposite end pointing at the hihat, so that it's rejecting the most possible. Works pretty well for me. I normally need to use and expander too though. Good luck!