sneap forum chat - an idea to being us all closer and gayer! lol

Jbro flash is accessible to virtually everyone using a standard computer - be it a windows machine, an apple machine or a linux machine. if you dont own a fucking computer or your so obsessed with living in a virtual world and you want to use sneap chat via your fucking iphone or ps3 browser or something then you have a right old problem.

irc is messy and old and i stand by that. its no way smooth looking and looks like something pulled out of a winmx chat room back in 99. clustered with too many options, hundreds of different font styles and sizes. true its an old format... it was used during the gulf war but times are changing along with technology. look at telnet? who the heck uses that today unless your a noob script kiddie trying to hack someones windows 98 (first edition) computer.

when it comes to having a dedicated room with registration i set up the chat room registration free to save time. i really didn't think it would be as popular as it has become with some members. if people want registration i can simply change the chat room interface so that users have to register. thats no problem (its just a matter of changing the flash code!)

there is nothing wrong with myspace's design, if there was well it wouldn't be as popular as it is today because it is so versatile when it comes to adding in widgets and codes etc (which most are flash based iframe codes) when it comes to porno sites its clear flash is a winner, it delivers high quality streaming content for large files. remember back in 2004 when you wanted to watch a porn movie you were usually stuck with a porno at a maximum of 5 minutes due to extreme file sizes. ( was a lifesaver)

please tell me in what way my flash chat room is restricting user access? (QUOTE "less restrictive to users") and dont mention iphone use or ps3 use because i have already explained that above.

Of course if there is enough interest in people wanting an IRC chat room i'll consider removing the current flash chat. as of now im happy and so are most people with the interface. I figured flash is a modern fast technology, why not implement it into the chat site. it has never failed to work for me yet the old Sneap IRC failed. any reasons why it failed?
I just think you're generalizing too much by saying IRC is ugly and messy - that depends more on the client. You could have a browser-based flash interface (if you wanted it) to the IRC room, cutting down on your operating costs and leaving people with options that aren't Flash-based; since I don't particularly care for the non-free Flash plugin, and the free plugins have their own issues, I just don't see how forcing Flash is any better than having a clean, Flash-based plugin as an *option* instead of a mandate.

I do appreciate what you're doing with this, but Flash is one of those things that I love being able to live without. Since IRC already has so much that we could use, and it doesn't have to look old (and while we're bashing old technology, that Internet thing is ancient and it's time to start communicating with iPhones, fairy dust, and dreams), and is already partially set up we might as well use it. You don't need to register to use IRC, but if you want to make sure that nobody masquerades as you and fucks shit up then the option is available. It also has file transfer, clients that take scripts well, and is universally available and free in every sense that we can think of. Flash isn't the only option for media sites, it just happens to be popular because... well, everyone else is using it. Bandwidth was a big problem then, and is far less problematic now - if everything Flash based all of a sudden popped over to videos and music encoded properly with popular, decent (read: not QT or RM) formats we wouldn't lose much.

The IRC room failed after some time of inactiviity - there have always been a few people popping up, but after the initial 'new room smell' wore off it failed to keep up. Unless this is literally the laziest forum I've ever been part of (which I doubt) the fact that it was an IRC room had very little to do with its fall, and I still pop up there whenever I can (in fact, there were a few in last night if I recall correctly) in case someone else is around. If just a few people are around when they're browsing the forum, it'll do very well.

Although I hope that this room doesn't meet the same fate, it's too early (a week into it?) to know if this room will run into those issues as well. I wouldn't blame IRC for the IRC room's lack of activity (hell, even less technically-minded users from Nevermore's forum have no trouble using that IRC room) and I just think that we should avoid having several different places to look for people - again, a Flash interface can be shoved into a page so that those who want it can use it and those that have issues with it can use other methods. I just hope that I'll still be able to use it next time Flash changes and the free plugins get to do the new-feature shuffle.

but flash is free? there is no charge for the plugin! none that i have ever seen (please post a link to the flash your talking about - maybe i read that wrong)

and no one can fuck you up when your running a flash based system. none of the files are saved locally on the server. they are all streamed from the developers server (unless you are playing example a flash based game on a website which is hosted there and then)

QUOTE - "Flash isn't the only option for media sites, it just happens to be popular because... well, everyone else is using it. Bandwidth was a big problem then, and is far less problematic now"

there is a reason flash is popular and when you look at the quality of what flash is capable of i find it quite amazing. for example look at season 13 (new season) of south park like on the south park website. everything is flash based and season 13 is literally dvd perfect (if you dont believe me check it for yourself) and its streaming which means no files saved to your computer and with the speed of dual core processors and some of todays great GPU's playing a flash video such as that is by no way a bottleneck to your computer allowing you to multitask in other applications.

lets take another example, CNET networks based in the united states streams its tech videos globally around the world (i run a 3mb DSL connection (actual speeds max at 2.4mb;s) and i can stream every single video that is available in high definition from that site stutter free. its simply an amazing product. you try streaming a quicktime HD format on a DSL connection at my speed. not happening!

lets move up again, flash based websites allow a new level of user interactivity into the site. it allows users to do things simply not available in any other format (html, dhtml, css etc) a fluid interface that looks like reality, objects interact with the user and are dynamic to their surroundings.

lets take an example: you can clearly see the new level of user interactivity this website allows. it makes the user feel more a part of the website and its workings, allows users to drag and pull items around making the website more personal to themselves. and put simply looks much better then a standard .html website

i understand IRC is a well tried and tested service (heck it was used by the US government for communication during the gulf war) but when it comes to simplicity and good lucks flash certainly wins over. and with the amount of new flash applications being created i can quite easily say that within the next few years we are going to see everything IRC can do within a flash based application and much much more.

IRC certainly is stable and jesus if i were in the us government i would certainly use IRC for communications because it is tried and tested but this is the internet, the aim is to deliver a rich clean experience to the user (not saying that my site is that - but im working on some new stuff)

to finish jbro were going to agree to disagree i think so post back if you like but im prob not going to write another long topic like that again. i welcome your comments and thank you very much for posting, i have learned some new stuff that IRC is capable of.

within the next few days i'll create a small survey or a few polls on my site and i'll see what everyone wants. if people want IRC then i shall deliver. after all this site is for the people. its no use to me if nobody likes it and wants to use it so its best to change with what the masses want.

see ya in the chat rooms!!!
On 'free'... balls, there I go being a FOSS nut again. I meant free in a more specific sense, the whole 'free as in speech' thing. It's closed and proprietary, which makes me highly suspicious.

As for streaming media... there's more than Flash going there. It has pretty little to do with Flash, anyway - I stream music and video from my home computer, with the exact same specifications you mentioned - but no Flash. How? Codecs that don't suck and a well-built hosting program. I have no problem streaming h264 to and from my home computer... without flash. What you're describing doesn't need Flash at all, since audio and video compression have gotten very efficient.

You're again making the mistake of assuming a 'look' to IRC. There *isn't*, no matter how many people confuse the interfaces from BitchX, xchat, mIRC, ircii, or whateverthefuckyouwantIRCclient with IRC. You can add all sorts of stuff to it and make it look however you want. You can have your 'rich clean experience' pretty damned easily, by picking a client you want.

I don't mean to keep writing massive walls of bitching, but I just think you're doing more work than necessary and letting a great resource go to waste. I'll use both (as long as I can get by with the FOSS flash services or tolerate using other computers), but it seems like your aversion to IRC has nothing to do with IRC itself - and given how much of a pain in the ass to share files (unless you have Apache running on your own system with a fast upload contract), authenticate users (without possible security compromises), or accommodate 'non-standard' systems (and believe me when I say that I wouldn't be objecting as much if I didn't have to use really weird machines pretty frequently), I hate to see that much waste.

Again, I really appreciate the initiative and setup work, and Flash or not I'll still be donating to help keep your costs down, but much more versatility is available and that's why I blathered away for pages on end. I guess we'll see what happens later, but given how little people tend to know about IRC this may be an uphill battle.

I completely agree with JBroll about using IRC and having a flash interface on the website.
This way people who use IRC allot can join the channel, and people not familiar/that dont care about IRC can use the Flash interface.

If you decide to go IRC and cant find a free flash interface, il talk to my brother and see if we could develop one for you(For free ofc.).

I still love the chat though!
right lads fuck it - i'll investigate an irc application for the site and set up a secondary beta for a week or two for testing, if all is well i'll pull that flash one down. it seems more people want irc then flash (but nobody has really mentioned that they like flash or didn't like it except for jbro) its just more...IRC IRC IRC - so after i cut this tree down today i'll get onto the task

yes i know..i actually have to physically hack a tree down today in my estate...ugh

you win mother fuckers. haha
I'd say the IRC thing with the flash interface on the sneap chat page + anyone being able to use independant clients would work perfectly.
that way we're all satisfied :)
oh and ross, i downloaded the sneap chat tool bar but the scrolling bar with the new topics makes me feel ill
makes you feel ill? haha! well i think thats the slowest speed i can make it - unless you want it faster!!!

it could be that the colour (color for you yanks) is a little too distracting and dynamic - i can make it grey and black writing if you like so it seems a little more natural? (not that pc's are natural anyway)
Erh.. i like flash and irc, thats why i suggested to pull it over to IRC and just use flash as an interface.
i'll take that J the TyranT just said as a request for this to be stickied