sneap forum chat - an idea to being us all closer and gayer! lol

I'll be popping in frequently on weekends. Also, I rarely sleep so there will be plenty of JBroll even for you silly folks on the wrong side of the planet.

There must be something wrong with my SNEAPCHAT.

Every time I sign in there is no one there and I do it ALL the time. anyone have any idea of something that may be stuffing up?
Yes, you're living on the wrong side of the world :heh:

Seriously, though, most of the time I login there's no one or just a couple of people.
Ross, you could maybe organise a set time when we can all arrange to use the chat or something?

Cos at the moment its a bit hit or miss whether theres anybody in or not.
meaning to post in here again - the new chatroom is in production, im getting some help from some mates on a different forum so its going a little slow but hopefully it will work out