Yeah just starting listening to it the other day in the vehicle and almost finished fixing the home unit.Can’t wait to watch the Blu-ray and send the audio through it in 7.1 stereo,how about you man?

Garden Of Gray - Nevermore
Sweet! Yeah that blue ray should sound and look awesome!

I still haven't watched the blue ray that came with Exodus. I'm slacking.
Man why does Zetro think that one voice of his is so great? The other two or three voices he uses on the new album are crushing! And then he's got that baby talk voice...

The Garden - Guns N Roses
Can't get the majority of new release albums in this country at the moment for some reason. None of the stores seem to have legitimate reasons and it seems to be wide spread.

Let The Garden Burn - Vicious Rumours
The thing that really annoys me is that no one is talking about it. Sure we hear about how vinyl is going to out sell CD's, we hear about Spotify etc streaming so much, but when people can't get CD's no one is reporting on it. If I was a suspicious person I'd blame the recording industry here, but I still can't see any viable reason why they would hurt their own industry just to improve sales in another format.

Just Let Me Breathe - Dream Theatre