C'mon. Two bands with the same name? When does that happen? :rolleyes:

First time in history!! Both bands formed about the same time but the speed metal Warrant from Germany obviously didn't get too much attention. They only released one album in about '85 and another in 2014, but they definitely didn't sing about Cherry Pies

Eat Me Alive - Warrant
No idea, they haven't posted any real news since about 2017 when they said they were writing a new album but there was some accident that they couldn't talk about stopping them. They updated their website in 2020, but it's broken again so no news there and I haven't seen their name on a bill poster for years.

Pray For Me - Armoured Angel
No idea, they haven't posted any real news since about 2017 when they said they were writing a new album but there was some accident that they couldn't talk about stopping them. They updated their website in 2020, but it's broken again so no news there and I haven't seen their name on a bill poster for years.

Pray For Me - Armoured Angel
Well crap. That doesn't bode well.
I Rise - Overkill