

Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
it's fuckin snowing!

started last night around midnight, me and the boys were playing the macgyver drinking game and we went outside for a break and noticed it was snowing...then it started to stick...then pretty much the entire school left their dorms and came outside for a snowball fight, and it was snowing pretty hard. my friend pegged this bitch RA in the head, it was fantastic. and we figured it'd be all warm and slushy today, but nooo! still snowing! a good amount on the ground too.

pardon my excitement; i'm from california.
sadly its snowing and not sticking right now. I also seriously hope it doesn't stick because with an inch of snow everything gets cancelled. Our schedule is way too fucking tight to miss a day, they've already taken away days off in order to try and fit everything in. We can't afford to miss days.

That said, i'd love a bigass shitdump of snow friday afternoon.
haha. Nice!!! I'd say i'm jealous, but as I said, if we lose a day, we gotta make it up. And that means we'd have to cover new material and then a 15 minute coffee break and a final exam on that shit.
do you have a webcam in your area?
here's one of columbus' haha
Snow level is supposed to be at 2000 ft this weekend, I'm at 1500. :headbang:

Supposed to go camping at 7500 but something tells me we won't make it up that far. P'oh.

Behold Norrland! :kickass: (allthough we dont have that much snow this year)
people bitching about snow cracks me up. come down to The Woodlands and youll never worry about snow again. haha