
Quote from NAD recently in the General Music Discussion - something like this: "I used to hate Dechristianize, but now I love it and I want to make babies with it in the gay way".

:lol: I remembered that on my drive home tonight, and I laughed out loud in the car, heh.
Heehee, I remember when I said that. I love acting completely foolish in GMD. Scratch that, I just love acting completely foolish.

Had a dream the other night I was smoking a cigarette and freaked out: "NOoooooooooo!!!!!! I started smoking again!!! Now I'll never be able to quit!!!!" What did Sorath say about cigs? That they are only for women and homosexuals? :lol:

I need a cigar. Screw that chewable crap, if you can't burn quarter sized holes in your arm with it it's not worth putting into your system.
Oh is that the dip kind? Just let it sit there and spit when necessary? I am ignorant to the ways of smokeless tobacci.

If you can light it on fire I'm there.
Heh... You just roll it to a li'l ball and put it under your lip and leave it there for a while. It's unlike similar stuff in other countries, I believe only Sweden has proper Swedish snus: if other countries do it's imported. I've never even tried it. I've never even used tobacco at all.
Yep, that's similar to dip over here. If you've never tried tobacco, don't start. Nicotine is more addictive than pussy. I can still get away with smoking cigars because I don't inhale, but if I ever did I'd have to run out and buy 12 cartoons of cigs and smoke myself into oblivion.
Jaykeeley said:
Hehe, "Pattaya Beach in Thailand is home of every crusty old Brit who can't get laid on the planet".

That's where Chief B lived. :grin:
For the record: I lived in Bangkok and at the weekends drove down to Pattaya for the scuba diving. Pattaya is a disgusting place; so many old brits and germans with fifteen year old thai girlfriends, the place is just awful.

Erik said:
Heh... You just roll it to a li'l ball and put it under your lip and leave it there for a while. It's unlike similar stuff in other countries, I believe only Sweden has proper Swedish snus: if other countries do it's imported. I've never even tried it. I've never even used tobacco at all.
In India, most of the population chew tobacco as its part of the culture. They usually take a tabacco leaf and put inside it: mild opiates, chewing tabacco, beetlenuts and other stuff that most countries would consider as toxic. Wrap the leaf up and voila! Pop the damn thing in your mouth and let the contents disintegrate in your mouth while the chemicals enter your bloodstream. The Indians just walk around spitting out this brown 'diarrhoea' onto the streets and boy does this stuff stain - puke.
I have it under total control - I go out for beers and I will have a smoke or 10. No problemo. At home or work, I don't even get the craving. I can't stand smoking in my own house, but can't believe that NY is non-smoking now. I have to stand outside the pub to have a smoke?

Bloomberg is teh gay.
Yes, I remember the fateful night when smoking was banned in California... New Year's Eve '98 (I think) was spent chain smoking at the local pool hall. For fuck's sake! It's a bar, the very den of debauchery! I would be much more afraid of catching VD from the dirty toilet seat than I would second hand smoke!

As far as having it in control, I did until a little over a year ago when I had a need to smoke every day, that's when I knew I had to quit. 10 months now, go me. *misses cigarettttttttttes.......*

Anyone ever try Qat? Always been curious about that, I guess it's commonplace in the Middle East but of course illegal over here.
Never heard of Qat. Is that the shit they smoke through the hookah pipes? Oh man, we were in Egypt a few years ago (and that stamp in my passport has been the bane of my travelling existence ever since) but we smoked tonnes of this stuff called "Aafel". It's like tobacco mixed in with dried fruit - you burn it, you smoke it through the bong, and you breathe out like a dragon. The Egyptian hookahs are so well constructed, the water cools the smoke to the point where you can breathe in to full lung capacity.
Aye, he has a definite Bob Marley connection in at least one way.

Dipping is usually done by hicks and yokels 'round here. Either that or baseball players.

Smoking fruit yeah, that's actually legal here, even Vegas has some hookah bars (Nevada is notoriously tough on marijuana).

Qat is like a leaf of sort that you shove in your mouth, apparently it's a mild opiate. Either that or derived from caffeine, I don't remember which. :)

Freedom Fighters rule, go Palestine!!!