
in the fields of death at an hour of destruction the wind blew cold
a vast field of tombstones and cenotaphs all moisture-stained
as i walked across the field i noticed a human circle formation
standing at the edge of a yet uncovered grave deep in mourn

buried and forgotten
in the dark and cold
in the moisty ground
burial at night

Stream of conscious email I just sent to someone:

Workspace, a play:
Affable failure, always twisting toward the impending can of clean air on top of cell phone charging mania. "Ray Ban yourself!" said the Alpha and Omega, "there's a big ass water bottle here!" It was amazing how the Fellowes were able to eloquently cleanse the beast Until It Sleeps. Once with a battle of pens and a bottle of Starship Enterprise, he was able to sally forth on his Jedi Knight Speeder thing, which NO, was NOT made from LEGOs you fool, nor was it on top of the wire thing with black and white tree napkin baster. Jeezus man, get a hold of your masonry and pull yourself some meaningless paper dispensors. I mean honestly, are magnets really necessary to begin on the name of dust? Fuck me, that's strange. Gotta go, phone call.
First day back at work since 10/24, if I'm not insane by the end of the day I will jump around in circles giddily screaming like a woman. Might do that anyway.
Upp och hoppa Tor, slå på trumman bror
Det är dans här på Valhall i natt
Uti Frejas sal står vår asa bal
Upp och hoppa fast Oden har spatt
Slå i mera mjöd, det får bli min död
Ja, se där är du, Idun, min skatt
Min valkyria kom hit, till vår midvinterrit
Upp och hoppa på Valhall i natt

I'm out of toilet paper at home, and have considered stealing a roll from work instead of going to the store and buying more.
Now snusing: General. Always knåd, of course. Whis was a good one, morning-snus and after-dinner-snus in one.
At least almost after dinner, I had a hamburger at 4.15pm... Pizza coming up!
I have now drunk one bottle of beer and about 1.5-2 litres (0.264172051 US gallons) of mead.

I'm starting to become a little tipsy but if you have read any posts made by me while drunk yhou know I'm not right now. It was worth a shot, though.
Yer new avatar kicks ass.

What does bjupp means, as long as it doesn't mean "shove up ass" I thank you in advance if I go to Wacken.
Thank you, thank you. I made his new avatar with MS Paint during school today (the most productive thing I did do)

"To bjupp" is to offer/give something to someone. It derives from Swedish (right...) "att bjuppa" and was invented today I believe.