So...2008 Is Half Complete...

Ogre - Plague of the Planets
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Gates of Slumber - Conqueror
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
Manilla Road - Voyager
Fall of the Idols - Seance
Amenra - Mass IIII

That's all I can really think of that I've really enjoyed.

EDIT: Revelation - Release
If I had to come up with TEN albums, I would list these (not completely in hierarchical order):

Amenra - Mass IIII
Ogre - The Plague Of The Planet
Meshuggah - obZen
Arghoslent - Hornets of The Pogrom
Fall of The Idols - The Seance
Litany - Aphesis: The Sapience Of Dying
Revelation - Release
Colour Haze - All
Ufomammut - Idolum
Deadbird - Twilight Ritual



The Mars Volta - Bedlam In Goliath
Portishead - Third
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
Hmmm, i dunno if i can really do it. This year has not been nearly as good as last year.
October Falls - Womb of Primordial Nature
Misery's Omen - Hope Dies
Niyaz - Nine Heavens
Nachtmystium - Assassins
Darkspace - III

Good/solid ones that I haven't really listened to much:
Isole - Bliss of Solitude
Ihsahn - angL
Waylander - Honour Amongst Chaos
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
I was totally not into Nachtmystium until yesterday. I'd already given Assassins a chance or two, wasn't feeling it. But I gave the title track one more chance before I went to see them open for Boris last night, and it clicked with me. The live show put the nails in the coffin... they were great! Subtle, psychedelic, intense, atmospheric, melodic black metal with a raw, powerful edge. That said,

My top albums of the year, the only clear leader so far is Ogre, taking the top spot.

1. Ogre - Plague of the Planet
Hail of Bullets - ...of Frost and War
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
Colour Haze - All
Nachtmystium - Assassins
Misery's Omen - Hope Dies
Revelation - Release
Against Nature - Much in Little
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
Manilla Road - Voyager
People are just desperate to enjoy at least some USBM to justify the existence of that whole useless "scene".

Anyways... In somewhat correct order:

Fall of the Idols - The Séance
Battleroar - To Death and Beyond
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
Manilla Road - Voyager
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels

Was somewhat disappointed by Conqueror. It seemed simplistic and unimaginative compared to the thunderous epic that was its predecessor.

Man, I have some catching up to do... :erk:
Apparently no one has heard the Darkflight album. :Smug:

This album is so fucking epic. The melodies and solos are incredible. How does this album compare to their first?

top 10 worthy albums of 2008

Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale
Darkflight - Perfertly Calm
Aarni - Tohcoth
Necrovation - Breed Darkness Blood
Morbosidad - Profana La Cruz Del Nazareno
Dead Congregation - Graves Of The Archangels
actually, i was going to buy that darkflight album after hearing the myspace tracks. never got around to it. i will, though.

ive only heard new albums from revelation, arghoslent, against nature and celestia. ive got the new Gates of Slumber and the new Ogre is supposedly on the way from leafhound.

Revelation takes the cake.
Disc of the year, so far... Warrel Dane - Praises To The War Machine.

Others that may end up in my Top 10...

Graveyard - Graveyard
Ihsahn - angL
Joe Satriani - Professor Satchafunkilus And the Musterion of Rock
Malpractice - Triangular
Opeth - Watershed
Zero Hour - Dark Deceiver

Still waiting on....

Darkestrah - The Silk Road
Mgla - Groza
Redemption - ?

Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. 1
Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Ufomammut - Idolum
Stille Opprør - s.o2
Steve Von Till - A Grave Is a Grim Horse
Darkspace - Dark Space III
Agalloch - The White EP
Nåstrond - Muspellz Synir
Ulaan Khol - I
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull

Colour Haze's and October Fall's latest material will certainly be up there once I've listened to them a sufficient numer of times.

dunno what's the deal with all the Nachtmystium hatred honestly. This album just slays, period. :rolleyes:
So is Darkspace III as good as the rest? I've been too fucking lazy/cheap to buy it.

I actually thought I was caught up with stuff to check out for this year... Fuck you Ken, I don't have time for this shit.
This album is so fucking epic. The melodies and solos are incredible. How does this album compare to their first?

The ironic thing is, the pressing plant took some of the volume out of the recording. There was originally more power than there is now.

I only heard a track off of the first album that a friend sent me on a compilation of new shit he wanted me to check didn't click with me at all. I rememkber it being far more keyboard heavy...not even sure if there was any guitar in it at all. Then again, my memory is shit, so maybe the guitar was just really low in the mix. I'd actually really like to hear the entire album. Perfectly Calm is so great that the early stuff has to have some redeeming qualities. :)
There's way too much I haven't heard yet.

In no order:

Revelation - Release
Against Nature - Much In Little/Descend
Necrovation - Breed Deadness Blood
Ogre - Plague Of The Planets
The Gates Of Slumber - Conqueror
Manilla Road - Voyager
Dead Congregation - Graves Of The Archangels
Misery's Omen - Hope Dies
Portrait - Portrait
Father Befouled - Sacrificing Oblivion