Almost half way through 2007... what's kicking your ass?

Yeah, I saw Sleepytime Gorilla Museum a while back. Shit was insane. They know how to put on a show.

As for their records... I can listen to them every once in a while, but its never a constant thing. Have yet to pick up the new one.
i agree with RIA to some extent ... while I do appreciate stuff like SGM, the whole thing is "forced" music that IS pieced together to impress more so than entertain.

bands like these are novelties, that usually don't last longer than a few records ... unless members have cash reserves (from other bands) like Fantomas ... which should have died after the first disc (may Dave Lombardo forgive me for this)
I could really care less if people don't listen to Sleepytime Gorilla Museum...the band's not out to amass legions of fans. It's an interesting mix of music, art and theater all in one. if you don't like it, then move on.
have to agree with Sleepytime Gorilla Museum...phenomenal album

I'm enjoying the shit out of it too and can't wait to finally witness their live show in August, although I liked the last two a lot, this one seems much more focused (or less cut and pasted if you're more cynical) while retaining the prevailing oddness, and I hear a LOT of King Crimson influence on this one...
I've been listening to new Lunar Aurora recently and its pretty damn good! I couldn't get it at first but now its awesome. Vicious thing
i have been way to fucking busy working my ass of to have anytime to find and listen to anything new. Not to mention all my free time goes into feeding my new internet addiction that is Lord of The rings Online.
I haved played quite a few MMO's and I really like this one. Do you have MMO experience? Because if mot I can see you not liking it, and if yes, what didn't you like?

I actually heard form a lot of beta players that the game was not that great, but now that it is released it is getting great reviews and people love it.
So, here's what I've been into so far:

Grails - Burning Off Impurities
Reverend Bizarre - III: So Long Suckers
Nightingale - White Darkness
Slough Feg - Hardworlder
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Alcest - Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde
Root - Daemon Viam Invenient
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - In Glorious Times

haven't heard many others this year that have kicked my ass, but I also haven't heard the new Slough Feg (which will surely make the list)

Seriously, this is godly stuff. Dark (understatement) progressive extreme metal. In Vain take what the likes of Enslaved, Solefald, and Arcturus have been churning out lately but pushing the envelope into creativity overload and away from derivative mediocrity. [/wank]

"The Latter Rain" is 2007's "Back to Times of Splendor" or "Metridium Field". It's too intelligent to disregard. Give it your all, mateys.