so a hot chick agreed to go to the sunn O))) show with me tonight.

I sure do like asian woman...

Fucking sucks nad. You HAVE TO SEE SUNN O))) TONIGHT. Seriously, I would be tempted to pack some heat and force my way in.
E-bortion said:
Fucking sucks nad. You HAVE TO SEE SUNN O))) TONIGHT. Seriously, I would be tempted to pack some heat and force my way in.
oh i already have a ticket for me. :rock:
The High Five where I saw Kayo Dot and Mouth of the Architect was not really a dive but I made sure I scoped out the exits. plus the huge plate-glassed windows could probably be dived through in a pinch.
If I've showered the night before

does this count for being clean the next day?
my friend has a guy working with us ... he comes in the morning with his hair all greasy and nasty from the nght before ... not showering in the morning is the most nasty habit.
especially if you are like me and drool like Pablos dog all night.
heh, i never got the shower-in-the-morning thing. ive NEVER done it. to quote seinfeld, "its not like im running a marathon in there".
my hair gets really big right after i shower too. so i cant shower in the morning, unless i want big hair. which i dont.
i used to score before going to sleep, which meant i'd pass out pretty sweaty and therefore be dirty in the morning.

now i just masturbate and cry myself to sleep, which makes me equally dirty in the morning, but more of a mental state than anything.

hence, morning showers are always a necessity.
fuck ... so if you don't shower in the morning, when do you shower? at night? ... this is fine if you are about to be fellated ... so all day dirty .. and night clean? :loco:
haha! fuck! who goes to work without rinsing their face off? that sounds incredibly uncomfortable. let it be said though, ive gone to work countless times without washing parts. it's not the same as a chick doing it though. they would stink. it would only be a problem for a guy if someone saw you naked at work.
lurch70 said:
fuck ... so if you don't shower in the morning, when do you shower? at night? ... this is fine if you are about to be fellated ... so all day dirty .. and night clean? :loco:
hahaha! what exactly are you guys doing that you are dirty all day? i have to take a shower at night because thats when i generally come home from work. theres a good chance i have hepatitis or MRSA on me somewhere. so theres usually no need to take one again in the morning. unless im especially crusty from the night before.
i dunno man, my balls get pretty rank sometimes. granted, not nearly as bad as stale poon, but still not very pleasant.

also, something i've always wondered, has anyone kissed a chick not too long after getting a blowjob? what i'm getting as is does dick really taste like hotdog? fuckin weird, this was the sequence of events a couple of times:

*slobbering faces*
god damn nad said:
i dunno man, my balls get pretty rank sometimes. granted, not nearly as bad as stale poon, but still not very pleasant.

also, something i've always wondered, has anyone kissed a chick not too long after getting a blowjob? what i'm getting as is does dick really taste like hotdog? fuckin weird, this was the sequence of events a couple of times:

*slobbering faces*

hahahahah ... hot dog breath!

yeah dudes, nocturnal emissions ... your body fucking does all kinds of weird shit during the night ...

ok, i give up :loco:
i sleep like a log right, through anything smaller than 6.0 earthquake, and i wake myself up by farting through the night sometimes. that's dirty.

also my friend once shat the bed with his chick in it, hahahaha. he came home all fucked up, got in bed, shit himself, later woke up, and had to eliminate the evidence before his chick noticed hahahahahahahaha oh man that's fuckin sick.
god damn nad said:
christ that's a lot of food. does he run 90 miles a day?

no he goes to the gym 3+ times a week and works out for 2 hours.

I sleep really lightly except when im dead tired (24+ hours awake), then I'm borderline impossible to wake up.
god damn nad said:
i dunno man, my balls get pretty rank sometimes. granted, not nearly as bad as stale poon, but still not very pleasant.

also, something i've always wondered, has anyone kissed a chick not too long after getting a blowjob? what i'm getting as is does dick really taste like hotdog? fuckin weird, this was the sequence of events a couple of times:

*slobbering faces*

Eewwwwwww mate. That's like double dipping a chip. It's like putting your whole mouth in the dip. Or in your case. Self fellatio :loco: