NAD What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse Jun 5, 2002 38,465 1,171 113 Kandarian Ruins Nov 2, 2005 #81 okay the dude that is thrones has previously worked with sunn O))), the melvins, and earth. that explains why he rules i suppose.
okay the dude that is thrones has previously worked with sunn O))), the melvins, and earth. that explains why he rules i suppose.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En Nov 2, 2005 #82 it's an old classic but you can never hear it enough...
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Nov 2, 2005 #83 god damn nad said: okay the dude that is thrones has previously worked with sunn O))), the melvins, and earth. that explains why he rules i suppose. Click to expand... dude, Joe Preston! he's a bass legend! however I really don't like his thrones stuff on cd, but I bet it's enjoyable live.
god damn nad said: okay the dude that is thrones has previously worked with sunn O))), the melvins, and earth. that explains why he rules i suppose. Click to expand... dude, Joe Preston! he's a bass legend! however I really don't like his thrones stuff on cd, but I bet it's enjoyable live.
General Zod Ruler of Australia May 1, 2001 14,192 36 48 New Jersey Nov 2, 2005 #84 god damn nad said: Click to expand... If you need some place clever to take her, why not take her to her friend's house? I can't think of anything more clever. Zod
god damn nad said: Click to expand... If you need some place clever to take her, why not take her to her friend's house? I can't think of anything more clever. Zod
E En Vind Av Sorg Member Dec 5, 2002 6,083 8 38 37 Dallas Nov 2, 2005 #85 That sounds fucking awesome. Seeing Boris live was fucking intense, I can only imagine Sunn 0))) following that. Did wata look like she wanted to murder everyone in the club? She had the most vile look on her face when I saw them.
That sounds fucking awesome. Seeing Boris live was fucking intense, I can only imagine Sunn 0))) following that. Did wata look like she wanted to murder everyone in the club? She had the most vile look on her face when I saw them.
NAD What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse Jun 5, 2002 38,465 1,171 113 Kandarian Ruins Nov 2, 2005 #86 nah, she had sort of a blank expression on her face most of the night, but was groovin to the music quite a bit and seemed to have a good time. @zod, hahaha good idea.
nah, she had sort of a blank expression on her face most of the night, but was groovin to the music quite a bit and seemed to have a good time. @zod, hahaha good idea.
E-bortion Omae wa mo shindeiru Dec 23, 2004 3,508 4 38 37 Nov 2, 2005 #87 Man, sounds like a damn good time nad Yes, Wata is a goddess.