so a hot chick agreed to go to the sunn O))) show with me tonight.

1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Eewwwwwww mate. That's like double dipping a chip. It's like putting your whole mouth in the dip. Or in your case. Self fellatio :loco:

i don't know how it works with your chicks ... but if you don't want this to be your LAST BJ ... you better make out with them :wave: :grin:
lurch70 said:
i don't know how it works with your chicks ... but if you don't want this to be your LAST BJ ... you better make out with them :wave: :grin:

Just pucker your face and say uh uh. Chicks dont like tasting their own cunt juice. So they should be sympathetic. :Spin:
well this chick used to take it in the mouth for the Grande Finale so yeah, i had no excuses.

actually she only did that a couple of times but OH MAN what a memory. :loco:
Ahahah Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about in the eye? Fucking shite slays.

Or better yet, when they put two hands up to protect themselves from the Pearl Harbor Bombing.
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
Pearl Harbor Bombing.
bwaaahahahahahhaa awesome.

i got yelled at for hitting her in the eye a few times, hahahahaha it was worth it. normally i'm just a blast across ye paps type of dude, but sometimes the desire to get dirty is too strong. :heh:
well this chick used to take it in the mouth for the Grande Finale

which brings up the question ... is that type of woman gf/long term material ... never had one that swallowed :(
lurch70 said:
which brings up the question ... is that type of woman gf/long term material ... never had one that swallowed :(
yeah, it took like 2 years to work up to that which is why i didn't think weird thoughts about it.

i'm sorta beyond that crap now, but back then if she would've done it right way, i'm sure i would've been a nan about the whole thing.
in other words i'm on zod's side when it comes to chicks: there are no sluts, some girls are just more active than others.

of course, i haven't dated an extremely promiscuous chick in like 9 years, so that would be the test i suppose. i still prefer the don't ask, don't tell policy though.
hmm, yeah that's a good policy.

i know for example that the current chick I am dating, has some kinky history. she is super cool and has a high profile professional job, but her history, well she told me some of it, but most of it I am scared to find out for some reason.

but it's better if all those crazy times are behind them, especially if I was thinking to settle down. I don't want some innexperienced chick that still wants to suck all the dick in the world ...
lurch70 said:
but it's better if all those crazy times are behind them, especially if I was thinking to settle down. I don't want some innexperienced chick that still wants to suck all the dick in the world ...
yep. plus you get to reap the benefits of being with a chick that knows what she's doing. :rock:
Whoever will kiss their woman after a blowjob is not a man. Be the man and tell them to go wash their fucking mouth out.
<<otherwise i'll pick her up and drive around in circles in front of her pad, blasting danzig - snakes of christ over and over again yelling "SHUT UP! this is the good part!" everytime she tries to say something.>>

this did not receive an appropriately warm reception

:lol: :lol: :lol:
cthulufhtagn said:
<<otherwise i'll pick her up and drive around in circles in front of her pad, blasting danzig - snakes of christ over and over again yelling "SHUT UP! this is the good part!" everytime she tries to say something.>>

this did not receive an appropriately warm reception

:lol: :lol: :lol:
thank you, i quite liked it myself. *bows*
cds i'm taking with me for the road:

before show:
emperor - in the nightside eclipse
pagan altar - volume 1
bathory - hammerheart
pink floyd - piper at the gates of dawn

after show:
alice in chains - jar of flies
tenhi - kauan
a perfect circle - 13th step
type o negative - bloody kisses
show review:

iunno, was sitting in my car waiting for the line to die down.

one man band armed with a drum machine, some samples, a heavily distorted bass, and lots of vocal effects. pretty cool doomy off time riffs with clean vocals and some feedback, but the 15 minute noise closer was the real cheese of this performance. very loud, very painful, but at the same time beautiful. this dude is worth checking out further.

okay apparently i haven't paid enough attention to my sole album from them (amplifier worship) because this band is fuckin AWESOME. first several songs were real groovy stonerish stuff and then the last 20 minutes was this absolutely epic performance that showed all the bands strengths: intense drums, great use of elongated crescendo, and e-bortion's woman (she's waaaaaaaaaay hotter in person ;) ) making her guitar sing. i've decided that a les paul + orange full stack creates the best guitar tone known to man! i need more boris.

sunn O)))
okay. ummmm, yeah. you think sunn O))) are weird in album form? go see them live. one hour of NONSTOP drone, helped out by some dude on a moog (awesome), the crazy drummer from boris doing some screams and crucifying himself via crowdsurfing (awesome), and then that xasthur dude who came out and did some shrieking (awesome). the whole affair ended with stephen and greg literally worshipping their guitars, and then after the 60 minute eardrum punishment, it abruptly fell silent. very cool.

the crowd was really cool, one of the best i've seen in a long time. yeah most people just stood there but with a noise show it's all you can really do i guess. either way lots of crowd support for the 3 acts i saw, except toward the end of the sunn O))) set when some bitch and her asshole boyfriend got in a huge argument.

they had guinness on tap, i enjoyed a pint. gotta wake up in 4 hours. good night.
one man band armed with a drum machine, some samples, a heavily distorted bass, and lots of vocal effects. pretty cool doomy off time riffs with clean vocals and some feedback, but the 15 minute noise closer was the real cheese of this performance. very loud, very painful, but at the same time beautiful. this dude is worth checking out further.
I would love to try doing something like that some time, i.e. one man live show... Will need one hell of a lot of preparation tho
the dude was obviously a pro, the whole thing went quite seemlessly.

i thought he was just the sound guy for boris, i walked in and he was doing mic checks and setting up a bass. then he started playing, haha.