So at 6 am I have surgery.

They told me to take the pill every 4 hours, so actually just tired and annoyed. I like sleeping on my right side and can't. I get the jockstrap off my head tomorrow morning though..
I know how that feels, dude, at least the tired and annoyed feeling. You're not in severe pain but you're really sensitive and everything around seems to be pissing you off all at the same time. Hang in there.

1000th post!
holy shit! Thats awesome (your Van Gogh-ness).

Surgery is scary. I have never gone under the knife, and I'm glad you persevered!
I sincerely hope you feel better! And I would give you a real hug, but a cheezy virtual one will have to suffice
*hug!* :)
My ear has finally started to hurt. I get the bandages removed tomorrow morning at the doctor's office (Yes, on a SATURDAY) so hopefully I can keep them off. I hate the cup on my ear.
Well it hurts more now and my neck is stiff from odd laying positions. I can hardly sleep since I slept so much yesterday. I basically lay in bed and watch tv and drift in and out.
*claps* Doctor in 20 minutes to get the cup taken off (or at least changed, all pink and nasty.)


Both wounds are still draining. Doctor said I had a keratoma (Skin callus bit, tumor, whatever in my middle ear, but it hadn't done any damage yet, and that why the surgery took 4 hours. I still have to wear the cap at night for a week, but not during the day.
Doctors do tend to remove tumors when they come across them. So yes, they did remove it, Since three of you asked.