So has anyone perfected the Star Trek warp thing yet?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I fucking hate driving to Los Angeles, my will to not fight traffic for 2 hours tonight is overcoming my will to go see Sunn O))).

So yeah, beam me over there, Scotty.
Fuck both ya'll! :lol:

LA traffic and the damn pit in general does NOT equal outdoors.


Topic = Star Trek warp shits god dammit! GIMMEE!!
You damn cunts!




Hey wait a second, I drove 435 miles each way to see Hammers of Misfortune a few months ago, I have nothing to prove! :loco:
I've never driven to a concert but I took a 6-hour bus ride to see Katatonia, and it was fucking worth it! :D

I hope you went to Sunn 0))), it's said that they put on one of the best one-chord-every-ten-minute shows out there!
Nah, I didn't go. Went to sit OUTSIDE at a bro's house for a few hours and listened to music, now I'm home eating Jack in the Crack tacos. :tickled:
haha, every time I think of "beam me up" I think of SPace Balls where President Scroove's head is on backwards

"Why didn't somebody tell me my ass was so big!?"
Cooncapper + JayPeepee = jealous that I can stay outside all winter without freezing my nuts off. SUCKAZ!

"I see your Schwartz is as big as mine!"