Star Trek


My god,it's full of stars
Feb 19, 2003
Palatine, IL
Ok so i went to go see this movie monday night at an imax theater expecting it to suck ass. Well holy shit was I fucking wrong. This movie fucking OWNS. It's almost my favorite Star Trek movie, which is saying a lot becasue I really don't like the original series characters. This is a total reboot to the series, they can basically do whatever they want to the series now to an extent.

If you haven't seen this yet you should go tonight, seriously.
Ya, I was suprised to, I remember seeing the origanal trailer and thinking, "WOW this looks horendous" but I really ended up likeing it, but I still think picard is better than kirk :)
I give it 4/6...and if I was only watching it on dvd I woul properly only give it 3/6...Although it was better than the previous Star Trek films
That would take a lot to sit and watch a Sci-Fi movie. I never been able to watch a single Star wars movie.

I'll try this one, I heard it's not just for the fans, wide audience
Haha you know... part of me wants to kick my ass for having plans in place to see this because I totally snubbed Watchmen and love that source material so much more. However, general rule for me is I see the spring/summer releases as they hit drive-ins where it's $20.00 a carload and I can bring some home made pierogies.
I saw this today. I loved it. Fantastic movie, and being a Star Wars fan, this movie pissed all over the new Lucas trilogy. I'm shocked how much I enjoyed this movie.

Man I have to go see this! I've watched a lot of Star Trek when I was younger but I have always preferred the original Star Wars trilogy much much more. Heard a lot of good things about the new Star Trek movie so I'll prolly go see it this weekend.

And Paul, pissing all over the new SW trilogy is not a hard thing to do. All 3 of those movies sucked huge cock. Terrible. The guy that played Darth Vader needs to be shot, multiple times. He was horrible.