so how bout that movie 300?

Is it just me or was the ending of this film really annoying? They are just about to fight and thats the end, really pissed me off big time.

that becomes quite another story, because thats the all out war, when the 300 from the start are the skirmisher of the begining of the greater conflict.. it would be great to have had the full war on screen but there wouldnt have been any plot by then. 300 was about leonidas that wants to protect his land. he did, end of story. and anyway, we know how that war ended : sparta won... no surprise.... no need to spend more money to show it, that would have been repetitive
Great film, a pretty decent tribute to strength in comrades and tactics vs steamroller brute force.

Why do people insist on seeing black and white when things are a big mash of grey? If people want to distill the grey of 300 into a black & white of today's East vs West to further their own image then that's pretty pathetic like already said. They're Greeks, not Americans and it's in Greece based on a historical event. Nothing more.
I saw the movie last night (colombian time)... ladies and gentlemen, 300 is not good......IT'S AWESOME!!!! that's what battles should look like. It indeed reminds me of lord of the rings (the rhyno scene and the elephants). But this movie is so cool and the scenes are so well made, i couldn't stop watching; i felt that if i do that i'd miss everything!!
I just saw the movie last night, the day it came out (April 5th, Australia) and Christing hell the cinema was PACKED. The movie was beyond awesome, I couldn't believe how great it was, the fight scenes just blew my mind and despite the historical inaccuracy I will always remember the 300 Spartans :kickass:
i dont remember where i read or saw that but it was the producer that was telling that 90% of the movie was accurate historically... im not commenting more on that, i dont have enough knowledge about it all.
who really gives a fuck whether its accurate? Nobody said anything about Braveheart being historically accurate, it just kicked shit. This movie does the same, so leave it at that.
Yeah I honestly don't care about the historical accuracy/inaccuracy, I mean Christ there were monsters in it and not to mention it was based on a comic book written by Frank Miller. Why must people hate this movie because of the inaccuracy? It was thrilling and exciting and I'd definetly want to see it again.
lol totally agree ;) you know, something i didnt mentionned when i wrote my critic... i saw it once after school, and right when i came home, i convinced my father to skip supper and come see it again with me, on the same day ^^ was awesome


lol this was a very kickass movie... i imagine all of the people in the theater were very pissed at me and my good friend John for saying things like " he's lucky Leonidas isnt Norse or he'd be dead already " lol throughout the whole movie... ( and my brother saying that he caught a boner when someones head got chopped off ... but thats neither here nor there lol ) but yes i agree with Crille.... they need to make one about the Vikings.... it would be soooooooo much better
I have to say, if they included some Amon Amarth or Man'o'War as some of the songs to the movie it would have been a whole lot cooler. Although it was pretty awesome anyway. :rock: