So, how long did it take you to get used to a 7 string?

About 10 years ago a friend of mine let me borrow his Ibanez 7 string for a week while he went on vacation. I didn't want to give it back after the week was over, so I went and bought an Ibanez 7 string the day before he came back. It really didn't take any getting used to and I've been a 7 string guitarist ever since.

These days I play a Jeff Loomis 7 string, although it would be cool to have an Ibanez RG7 in mahogany with an ebony board and EMGs (I wish they made this.)

It actually took me quite a while to get used to the 7-string. I've always been very creative, but when i started with the 7, I couldn't come up with anything. I allways reached for my 6s trings after a couple of minutes, but when i went away for the summer last year, I only took my 7 string with me and after a few days I couldn't live without it.