So I got some great news today...

It's good from what i have seen, im always working! Looking forward to powerfest and hoping i have enough money to pay all the bills at the end of the month (lovely being the only one to pay them).

I guess thats why i am always working :lol:

again, congtratz! i would of crapped my pants, you need to tell me how you didn't, i know your one happy mo-fo!
man, even the other texicans make fun of houston so you know its gotta suck

comming from wyoming, or a state without a city, i really wouldn't know the difference between a shitty city and a city thats not shitty. This is the 1st city i have lived so i really don't know :P

i mean, it has crappy drivers? lol thats all. Like, i am still facinated by sky-scrappers....seriously i love going downtown!!!!!!!!!!!!