So I just bought a new phone...


Junior Cheeseburger
Sep 12, 2004
and one thing I noticed was the ring tones or true tones (whatever they're called). What they are are little clips (midi files) of a band/group/artist's music. You guys in Vehemence need atleast one, so when I get phone call I can hear the By Your Bedside riff, GWC, or whatever you guys choose. I believe that if you do so, the world will stop spinning at an angle and start straightening the fuck up! :headbang:
yeah, thats easy, had by your bedside in my phone for long now, just download the guitar profile, open it and save it as midi. You can dissable instruments to and save it as midi just to hear the drums etc in the phone.
Anyone know how you get those song ringtones, like when you call someone, you hear in the earpeice the song not the ring tone..its freggin weird, I want one for my phone. Is it a special phone service?
I think you have to have a certain cell phone to play those. Oh, and I sent you an email probably like a week ago wondering if you have tabs for songs even written in chicken scratch somewhere that I could use to make tabs on TabIt with, but you never replied back. I started trying to tab out Christ, I Fucking Hate You but I got stuck real quick on it too.
awesome. oh and i now actually know what you were talking about with that whole calling somebody and hearing a song thing. I just got a new cell phone and that service came with it. It costs like $2.00 per song though and it only lasts a year.
A lot of phones can play mp3s as their ring tone. My wife's phone is an LG vx6000. Using software known as "bitpim" and a USB cable we can put mp3s and any other ring tone on the phone we want - all with out paying Verizon 4 billion dollars for a tiny little music file.
endOfPath said:
A lot of phones can play mp3s as their ring tone. My wife's phone is an LG vx6000. Using software known as "bitpim" and a USB cable we can put mp3s and any other ring tone on the phone we want - all with out paying Verizon 4 billion dollars for a tiny little music file.

Awesome! Yeah these damn charges are rediculous. I just saw a commercial today that showed an advertisement for a phone where you can text a number and they will send you the joke of the day. And you can set it up to where they send it every day. The problem is, is that IT COSTS A DOLLAR FOR EVERY MEASLY JOKE! There's a free joke for all of you right there, don't way wasting your money on that garbage...
PANTERAaddict101 said:
Awesome! Yeah these damn charges are rediculous. I just saw a commercial today that showed an advertisement for a phone where you can text a number and they will send you the joke of the day. And you can set it up to where they send it every day. The problem is, is that IT COSTS A DOLLAR FOR EVERY MEASLY JOKE! There's a free joke for all of you right there, don't way wasting your money on that garbage...
Hahaha, yeah I saw that one as well. Reeeeeeal fucking lame.