so I watched headbangers ball tonight...

Kittierocksdotcom said:
So you put them down cause they "look" like men well you sure dont know them well enough to fucking judge them like that. Sorry for tryin to ask for your help. Sheesh. So why put them down like that? Seriously Is it because they have actually done something with their lives and music? Not to be rude though..

They've came along way.. And they are pretty kick ass for girls.. But the fact that their women dont mean people should hate them.. The music is probably better then you'll ever see anyother women make.
Im not putting them down because of their looks. Im putting them down cause they fucking suck monkey ass. Theyv only come a long way and are doing something because they are an all female band. If it were an all male band making that garbage, theyd never make it out of the garage. Also, I dont judge music by what gender the musicians are. Good tunes are good tunes. If Kittie were all guys Id think they sucked just as much. Finally, if Kittie is the best "music" youv ever heard females play then obviously youv never heard Lacuna Coil, Arch Enemy, or Nightwish. Even Evanescence sounds good compaired to Kittie.

PS: The guitar player is hot as hell...too bad she cant play for shit