so, i'm fasting.


Aug 2, 2002
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my shrink recommended it. he says he does it all the time. he gave me a list of these weird teas and concoctions to drink. today is day one.
supposedly the first two days are the worst. so far, hmm i feel okay?
my shrink gives me like way too many pills and i feel sick from them all the time. so he said this would help. anyway, i mean, i've done it before (before i took all these freakin awful pills) but anyway.... i hope it works. i'll try anything. also, nick... i can give you the skinny on which fast i'd recommend for you if you'd like.
eh nick don't drink pennyroyal for crying out loud. unless your a dog and want to get rid of fleas.

i think you'd do best on a juice fast. 4-5 days of just having pure juice, like carrot juice and wheatgrass juice etc. or vegetable broth (that you made yourself)
so i just had to say i'm fasting since everyone is asking me what we're having for lunch and this girl was like "FIGURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and stormed off.

yea nick if you go more than 4-5 days you may want to (once a day) have an herbal laxative tea (not a strong one tho!)
i'd recommend like a 3 day one. wait a bit, then try a 7 day one... work your way up. unless of course you start, and you feel really pumped. then go as long as you can. since juice has enough calories to keep you going, you won't technically be depriving yourself.
(notes: no taking vitamins... and no coffee!!!)
lizard, i guess she is. but like, i stated clearly that i was doing this so my liver doesn't totally reject me! she's mean.