So I'm pretty damn happy.

Souls of Black

Thrashing Tempest
Jul 2, 2002
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Just got finished with a really good jam session. First time in a while that I went directly from work to home to jam room. Started with some slow exercises, then progressed to some rhythm stuff. Then started what shred that I can muster (which today was not too bad). Then went to some more rhythm..chugga chugga stuff. Then really mixed things up (for me that is) and started doing some clean chord progressions, basic stuff mind you, but it sounded sweet. Then took the clean thing, added some delay and chorus, and really went into and eerie sounding thingy.

I am really trying to get myself back into jamming, had a friend over from work the other day and we jammed. Sum Bitch' that was fun... Must form band again........

Sometimes after a hard day, just have to come home and beat the shit outta the axe... (inserts Steve's old shedder smiley here)
Sounds good Souls!
That's one thing I have not been able to do in a while....sit down and jam.
As right now, I'm still tracking away, getting this album closer and closer to completion.
We're looking at staying on target with tracking being done by the end of summer (summer's offical end, that is).
I'll be kicking up my internet lesson business shortly after that, so if you're interested, let me know!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Steve Smyth said:
Sounds good Souls!
That's one thing I have not been able to do in a while....sit down and jam.
As right now, I'm still tracking away, getting this album closer and closer to completion.
We're looking at staying on target with tracking being done by the end of summer (summer's offical end, that is).
I'll be kicking up my internet lesson business shortly after that, so if you're interested, let me know!:rock: :rock: :rock:

I can't wait for the new album! The samples are sweet.

Once you get going one the lessons Steve, I am very interested. :rock:
Souls of Black said:
Yeah Will, it was kick ass!

How about your band? How's it going with you not playing guitar?
Sorry Souls, hit the wrong post, and edited yours by mistake.
Hey Will, you're not playing guitar now? What's up with that? You're not injured or somehting, right? Hope not man!
Nah, not injured. Thanks for the concern, though! I've decided to continue writing music for the other projects that I have, and just drop guitar altogether in Distorted Mind. Plus, I'd rather focus on my vocals. When it came to live performances, either my playing or vox would be lacking. Plus, we want to undergo a musical direction change.

Although, I am developing arthritis in my knuckles/wrists/hands in general. Not gonna let that stop me, though. I have alot of cool shit planned that I just have to find the proper musicians for.

Distorted Mind's first show without me on guitar is on Sept 23... it will be quite interesting. I'll post video if you guys would wanna check it out.
Dude you better fucking post it .....

And i need to start making arrangements to get the band out here.....

Email me jcohenlv @

Just finished building the "REAL" studio here and got everything you beee-hot--chiz need to get the next CD done.

Souls of Black said:
Post this video posthaste....:rock:

What is the direction change?

Well, just better song structures... and... well, I'll just post the song once we get some form of recording.

J - With this new job that I'm getting, it would be near impossible for us to make it out there to record... or to even tour. I found a kickass studio right near here that's $45/hr and $450 for 12 hours. gonna look into that place and just continue working on the songs