Back when I first got into Anthrax (SoE time) I wasn't particularly fussed by Joey's vocals. A lot of other folks I knew however didn't like Anthrax and this was based solely on Joey's vocals. The overriding opinion was he sounded like a girl (please girls, don't take offence lol).
As I said, at the time... well it never bothered me.
It wasn't until Bush joined that I realised how weak Joey's vocals were/are. And I'll be honest, when Joey was kicked out I thought the band was done and dusted as the vocalist is always the most difficult member to replace. As it turns out, in my opinion it was an excellent move.
I realise many will disagree with this statement, and that's cool.
I honestly can't listen to anything before SOWN now because of the vocals. But hey, each to their own right?
I'll certainly give anything that gets released a spin but ... to be honest my interest has waned.
Ack well, soon be pub time.