So Jason Rullo is quite a drummer

Haha Zach, I hate when I misread stuff, too!

Jason is awesome. I was listening to Walls of Babylon yesterday and wondering how the hell he pulls that stuff off live. I am not a drummer, but I have heard from several drummer friends how hard it is to play that odd-meter crazy stuff. And yes, A Lesson Before Dying is awesome, save for Rod's vocals. I would love to hear it re-recorded with Russ!
He's a great drummer. I just feel bad that his name has to be similar to Jason Derullo. LOL!
There are so many moments of Rullo-awesome all over the Symphony X discography. He is a true musician. Too bad he doesn't get more attention, just because he doesn't have a giant kit with quadruple bass drums and a million gongs, but seriously, there isn't a wasted fill opportunity anywhere with him; he makes everything work for the song.

It's a good thing you don't know. Anyways I messed up the spelling. Jason Derulo is some dumb pop/hip hop singer who really is unskilled. I feel bad Jason Rullo because he has such a similar name (because he is an actual mucician).

This is the dumb guy:

Say I if you would buy a Jason Rullo drumming DVD, because I SO WOULD!!!!!! He seriously needs to get his skills shown to the world. Maybe he can do some youtube lessons or something? ANYTHING!!! Someone should approach him with the idea.
I know I'm gonna gain some people's hate for this, but... I think Jason kicks Portnoy's ass.
I read the headline as "Jason Rullo quit as a drummer". I got scared for a sec.

yeah sorry, that was a horrible way to phrase it...i just had to get my appreciation out for a moment there somehow, though. thanks for all the drumming, mr, rullo. :worship: