So Jason Rullo is quite a drummer

Its one thing to overplay. Its one thing to overplay with the same 5 tricks in your toolbag, rehash them over and over, refuse to learn anything new, Never get any better(If anything, he's regressed since I&W/Awake in the Quality control dept), and repeat for 15 years. That's how Portnoy gets smoked.
This is so true, every word of it. The problem might be that Portnoy plays on so many releases that we've heard every pattern and fill that he can do twice. Every once in a while, he comes up with something really nice, but usually destroys it with one of his usual moves (I almost go ballistic every time he does his fast hihat/splash fill at the end of a beat) shortly after. He has become really predictable for at least ten years.
I found yet another list on a diff site... and it STILL had Jason Rullo!!!!!
Ringo Starr ands Charlie Watts, now that is funny, I know I just said less is more but give me a break those two did nothing but give steady 4 counts.

I assume you've listened only a little from The Beatles so far. Ringo Starr may not be the greatest drummer ever, but he played arrangements that I've never heard again. Bells, chimes, great drumming on 4/4 songs and the pride to play in the first heavy metal song ever written (Helter Skelter), an amazing progressive one (I want you) and a simple but effective drum solo (The End), amongst others.

Helter Skelter (68) was hardly the first heavy song. Hendrix's Are You Experienced was released in 67, Crazy World of Arthur Browns "Fire" was released in 68, others such as Iron Butterfly and Steppenwolf were 68, not to mention the work in the heavy department Cream did prior to 68.... the Beatles aint all that. Hendrix blew that door down then in 68 others followed suit. Helter Skelter is not even a song I think of when I think of the pre metal days.

Regardless what Ringo did little bits of or even the fact that he was in an important band, his drumming was not important because he was not the first to do anything. Elvis and Buddy Hollys drummers were probably far advanced prior to Ringo.
Helter Skelter is not even a song I think of when I think of the pre metal days.

People tend to reinterpret history to make the Beatles even more important because they were important, yeah. Self-fulfilling prophecy. The earliest album I can think of that I would consider squarely metal, no questions asked, is Sea Shanties.
Hightide, I see what you mean, I never heard of them. I will say other elements from other bands made it into the genre however but yes this heavy.
This is so true, every word of it. The problem might be that Portnoy plays on so many releases that we've heard every pattern and fill that he can do twice. Every once in a while, he comes up with something really nice, but usually destroys it with one of his usual moves (I almost go ballistic every time he does his fast hihat/splash fill at the end of a beat) shortly after. He has become really predictable for at least ten years.

There's that magic number again.

Thank goodness, I was starting to doubt my sanity.