So, Kalmah is melodeath?


Feb 21, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
I just started getting into black/death metal about six months ago. Before that I was just into Pantera, Iced Earth, old Metallica, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden, so I just called them all metal. Now I hear "melodic death metal", "black metal", "melodeath", "technical metal" etc. I even hear metal being describe by the regions the band is from, "Polish death metal", "Scandinavian death metal" Why is Kalmah "melodeath" and not "melodic death metal", or "synth black metal"? Is melodeath the same as melodic death metal? What are some examples of bands in each genre?

I personally don't always enjoy being such a stuck up ass about catagorizing music, but it helps when trying to explain a unique band to someone, or when someone is trying to explain one to you. Thanks for helping me in my metal genre noobness.
Its hard to say what Kalmah is at this point. But in the community I've been seeing that "Melodeath" and "Melodic death metal" are referred to very differently lately.

Kalmah could be considered 2 things imo...Speed/Power Metal with death/black Vocals, or Melodic Death Metal.. For me I would classify the first 3 albums in the former and The Black Waltz in the latter, the line is really blurred though. I would not classify them as "Melodeath" which is the term used for bands that play "Gothenburg" such as In Flames,Dark Tranquility, & Soilwork. Kalmah are NOTHING like these bands in musical structure and style. Another characteristic of Power metal would be the galloping drumming style that Kalmah often uses in some of their fast parts but then they bust out into true blastbeats in climax areas of their songs which is a death metal characteristic. The vocals are pure death and black yeah. Take that for what you will...I think they are a little of both power and death, fused into just the right formula.

Melodic death would maybe be something like maybe Gates of Ishtar which sounds nothing like Gothenburg.
In my opinion, their new cd (Black Waltz) is THE DEFENITION of Melodical Death Metal.

Really heavy vocals with tons of growls (like ones you would find in a death metal band) mixed with killer riffs and melodies. The general "feel" of the cd is really dark, and the metal is pure to it's genre.
kalmah is swampmetal, inspired by swampfreaks who live in swamps, the albums were actually recorded in a swamp.
but hey, you were pretty close, it also sounds a bit like 'melodeath'
Yeah, speed/power metal with harsh vocals. I believe I remember some death metal tendencies on this album, but don't quote me on that.