So many choices!

So I'm planning on upgrading all of my equipment to:

Schecter Hellraiser C-1 FR - $900
Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier/2 channel - under $1200
Mesa Boogie 4x12 cab - $949

Now the question is what should I get first??????

I'm currently using:

Schecter Damien FR - passive pickups, licensed floyd rose
B-52 At100 - only use the fx loop to run my Pod X3 Live through and add some tube sound to my pod's signal
B-52 4x12 cabinet


Cab then guitar, and keep that head, but do a good threat to it (change tubes, adjust bias) ditch the pod, or use it for effects and the distortion of the amp. that amp is so underrated. with the dual rectifier, your sound will improve "just a few bucks", or nothing if you continue to use the pod
It would appear these gentlemen are correct. Also consider that the B52 AT series can get be a little faulty. I'm not sure if they've fixed it yet, but sometimes the amp gets so hot that solder melts and drips onto some important shit.

If you're planning on selling those things, though, the one thing I'd keep would be the cabinet. I like B52 cabs.
Mine (AT100) haven`t melted yet, i bought it used it, and have arround two years with it, used a lot, leave it on for hours, and is still working as new.
Tha amp is designed by Bruce Egnater and is Usa Made, is built like a tank, and sounds great. you can save a lot of money by keeping it, and still have superior tone.

But in other hand if you have that money to expend on a new amp, go for it.
Head first... just because a head is awesome, and a cab isn't (nothing to do with sound difference either, thats my only reason)
