So, Midnight's "Sakada" is a s*%t album

I can't believe anyone actually had high hopes for Midnight's solo album. The guy has been literally struggling since he left Crimson Glory and has been talking about a solo disc for like 15 years. It's like Axl Rose putting G'NR back together without Slash and people getting all juicy about it.
I downloaded 2 tracks. They are a bit too spacey, lyrically, for me and I don't really know where I'd be finding a need to hear these songs. That being said, the voice is still great in its tone. I'm anxious to hear a new Crimson Glory cd.
I've got the has it's moments...and that's about the nicest thing I can say. The songs from his 2000 EP are on essentially...since he left Crimson Glory...he's managed to write 9 songs in approximately 13 years?

Give me a break...

Rock on!
I cant believe you guys on talking on such an awesome singer. I only have one track from this album "Miss Katie'', but I absolutely love it. The lyrics are the best part, but then again I like hallucinogens so yeah.

Did you ever think that he wasnt working on music all the time?

I also respect him for doing something totally different from Crimson Glory. Its kind of the same as Russell Allen doing Atomic Soul, totally different.

But these are just my opinions, and they dont really matter.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I cant believe you guys on talking on such an awesome singer. I only have one track from this album "Miss Katie'', but I absolutely love it. The lyrics are the best part, but then again I like hallucinogens so yeah.

Did you ever think that he wasnt working on music all the time?

I also respect him for doing something totally different from Crimson Glory. Its kind of the same as Russell Allen doing Atomic Soul, totally different.

But these are just my opinions, and they dont really matter.

I can't believe the fact that you're defending such a piece of shit album that you haven't even heard. Why don't you spend your hard-earned $$$ on the damn thing...and then maybe your opinion will be worth a shit?

Awesome singer...hell yes! He's one of my major influences when I was singing in bands in my younger years. I was totally on board when CG released "Strange And Beautiful," even if the rest of the world didn't quite "get it."

I kind of compare this to Robert Plant. I have always loved Bob's albums (at least until Dreamland), and I had no problem that he wasn't trying to recreate Zep. I don't particularly want Midnight recreating CG...and it's very obvious he's been focused on other things than music in the past several years...because...while I applaud his efforts...the album just plain just won't stand up to repeated listens in my collection, I'm afraid.

Go back to huffing, my friend. If you actually buy the album and feel differently...then I'll be interested in your opinion.

I'm glad to support the this point...I feel kinda violated.

Rock on!
He's certainly a good singer, but I just don't see the Progpower crowd being all that interested in this album. Of course, I'm sure he wasn't writing it for anyone in particular. Hopefully he's happy with it and it finds an audience. I won't say it sucks. I know quality performances when I hear them. But it's just not something I'll ever listen to.
Wahell very intresting, I would have to agree with woosta's comment. I love his voice, but it reminds me of Neal Young and I cannot stand Neals voice,
also abit of Jefferson starship or airplane whatever they are okay, musta been all those drugs during his hiatus(just kidding :lol: ).
But I still love the guy.

I was hoping he would have done more like the attic song CG, I love that song!
Not really much of a CG fan. I like what I've heard but I never knew their material backintha'day, and nowadays I have too much stuff that requires more of my attention.

The reason I am posting this point is: Ashaman has a reason to be pissed because a singer/artist who is associated with a certain style puts out a disc of music that has absolutely NOTHING to do with his previous work (I'll assume because I haven't heard it).

So, with all the talk nowadays about artists bitching about people "stealing" their question is...

Should Ashaman get a full refund for something he (probably) will never listen to again?

I mean, I know he never will, but for the sake of arguement...?

Artists are only "bound" by what they want to do at any particular moment. They have no bonds to what certain people want. hell, if that were the case, 80s rock would never have changed, and in fact, nothing would ever change. Nobody is entitled to a refund for anything artistic. The idea behind music is that we purchase it because we A) Like what we hear or B) like an artist in general. Whether or not it meets our wants, needs, and expectations is a whole other thing. Perhaps the buyer should review and research first if they are going to take such a firm and angry stance over the product? That way, nobody is disappointed. If people don't buy it because they don't like it, then that is feedback for the artist as to their work but it won't change anything unless you're listening to a driveling sellout anyway.

My point: Ashaman has NO reason to be pissed at anyone other than himself if he bought it. Midnight doesn't answer to me, Ashaman, or anyone else except from a business standpoint and it would appear that numbers are not his goal with this music.
Thanks a lot, Walt...see what kinda shitstorm you left me open for now.

Seriously...while it won't necessarily get tons of play...I bought the damn thing to support the artist...and I appreciate it's artistic worth and it's collectible value.

I think the statement about the buyer reviewing and researching the product first before taking an angry stance is absurdly ludicrous. If I went to the trouble to find out so much beforehand...then I wouldn't NEED to be angry by being screwed by inferior product. You mean I'm supposed to research my position to justify my indignation at receiving crap...!!!??? Give me a break.

Good for Midnight, he released a new album. Personally, I am glad I bought it. I am also disappointed that it's quirky, odd, amelodic, seemingly uninspired non-rock crap from one of metal's reigning vocalists. I also have every right to be disappointed, whether anyone approves or not. Likewise, you guys also have the right not to kiss my ass, even though I'm inviting some of you to do just that...

Rock on!
Disappointed, yes. Pissed off? I don't think so. And if you get angry over artists changing directions or styles, then "yes" you should check out samples on the net before you buy. It's like buying a car that looks pretty on the lot and not doing any investigating on the matter. True, it's a lot less $$$, but it's the same thing: You gotta know what you're buying and if you don't then get pissed off at one person: yourself. Disappointment is another feeling altogether and I can certainly understand that.
woosta said:
Disappointed, yes. Pissed off? I don't think so. And if you get angry over artists changing directions or styles, then "yes" you should check out samples on the net before you buy. It's like buying a car that looks pretty on the lot and not doing any investigating on the matter. True, it's a lot less $$$, but it's the same thing: You gotta know what you're buying and if you don't then get pissed off at one person: yourself. Disappointment is another feeling altogether and I can certainly understand that.

Dude...get a grip...nothing blows my anger management gasket like somebody telling me how I should feel...

I'm totally supportive of the fact that you feel like you have your shit together...


Rock on!
BenMech said:
I didn't say I fault Midnight for working outside the box of Progressive Power Metal. I said Sakada's a shitty album, and I fully stand behind that. The two are mutually exclusive


Damn, that's well said!

Rock on!
I'm just sayin', why are you bitching about Midnight like he just fucked your sister? He made a cd you didn't like and a cd that you bought blind without any investigation. Personally, I don't care if you drown your sorrows in a bottle or drive off a cliff. I'm just sayin' that if I got pissed everytime I got a cd that I didn't like, hell, I'd have had a coronary by now. The only person I would get pissed at is me because I could have taken 5 seconds and educated myself rather than act out later over something that I have no control over. I'm not tellin' you how to feel Mr. Falling Down. Do your thing.