So my band just broke up....and I don't know what to do with myself.


Apr 7, 2006
So my band broke up earlier today. I had spent the last two years honing my skills and devoting all my musical attention to Decimus. And today our singer and bassist left, both for different reasons.

Our vocalist, a talented singer and screamer, left because he didn't 'feel' metal anymore. He wasn't being inspired by what we'd write so he could write his lyrics to it. (I personally feel like he just uses that as an excuse because he was lazy)

This is a song of ours.

Our bassist left because he wasn't really a metal bassist. He was into a lot of different stuff and I could understand him leaving.

So this leaves me here....i don't know what to do with myself anymore. part of me wants to try to reform the band in some sort of manifest, but here's the deal. I don't feel like any of us is good enough nor tight enough to match what I achieve in recordings. And I feel like if I continue with this, it'll probably go no where, because we're fairly young and don't seem to ever achieve that pro level I crave.

So on one hand, I feel like maybe it's not worth my time and effort. I want to try, but rebuilding the band minus our original singer and bass player? The singer is more of a big deal, because Nick's vocals were consistent and of pro quality. I feel like anyone else I've heard on the local scene doesn't have that pro quality.

So part of me wants to give up. If there's no chance of becoming an extremely good and near pro quality band, what's the point? It could be a waste of time. On the other hand, maybe I should start a band and try to do more melodic things. I've wrote some melodic **** and it's been pretty cool.

That might be an idea of what I'd want to do.

This is a huge post, but I just feel weird. I feel like I broke up with my girlfriend. (though we're still dating lulz) I feel like I killed my dog. Just need some guidance, perhaps. Where do I go from here?
Now you have a moment to find yourself....... the concept's you want to take....

I could extentend these words, but i probably could kill you with my bad english.....
I've always had the dream to front my own band and play metal. But I'm frankly not good enough at playing and screaming well at the same time. I guess this could make me use effort to learn how to do that. But its just tough.
Dude, you're what, 17? You've got your whole life ahead of you (and I know that sounds lame, and I'm only 21, but I feel like I've grown up EXPONENTIALLY since I graduated high school, so bear with me), and the fact that you're the one with most of the musical ideas should be incredibly inspirational to you! I mean, about a year and a half ago, I had a bit of a revelation, that I had too much talent at and too much of a love for writing music to not try my hardest to pursue it; I owed it to myself, and I realized that it would be the only way I could see myself truly being fulfilled in life (and inversely, would result in an incomprehensible midlife crisis if I never did; I tend to think of these things, believe it or not o_O ). So what I have done since is just continued writing and recording my own material, honing my craft, and when I find a person or group of people that I think I click with, I've got a huge amount of material already prepared, and more importantly have practiced the most difficult and important step: the writing of the music in the first place.

So in short, dude, I recommend just writing and recording your own riffs, putting programmed drums to 'em, and making full songs for your own enjoyment. You have PLENTY of time to find new band members, and I STRONGLY suggest going to college to aid in this, simply because it's a new environment with all-new people your age who you can potentially form great musical bonds with (I don't necessarily mean a music college, any college). I know it seems hard now that you feel you guys had such potential and now its lost, but believe me, there's so many people and so much ahead of you, I hardly think you have anything to worry about. Just focus on making yourself better, so you can be ready when the moment comes! :headbang:
Yeah, I think that you should do as Dom Ostarig says.
Take your time to find yourself, or else you will end up losing everything you are aiming for.

I myself have jumped out of 2 bands because it didnt feel like it was working/that it wasnt my thing anymore(One of which being very succesfull getting visits from the discoverer of Hammerfall.).

Just do like if it was a girlfriend you are unsure of that you still want to be together with, and just take a "break".
It usualy ends up with you being split up, but its often for the good.
Take a break man. You sound like me when I was 18... my problem is that I've only taken one break, which turned out to be a drinking binge from 23 to 25. Not recommended. I should have taken that 2 years to figure out what I really wanted. Now, I'll be 30 soon, and sometimes, I think I'm still on the fence. Take a break, and your true calling will present itself, whether it's being in a band, producing other bands, or even wrestling alligators or becoming a porn star. Whatever suits you best will come to you. And when it does hit you - I shit you not - it will hit you like a speeding truck. Good luck on your journey dude.
I think I'm going to buy an SM7, learn how to mix vocals, and start working on my voice. I have a decent base, and it seems like the only way I am going to succeed is if I have the drive myself.

Maybe I'll even write a song about self doubt and proving people wrong. Ha.
I'm in the same boat at the minute dude.
My band split up a few weeks ago, and yeah it's a horrible feeling. I spent the 2 weeks after we split up sitting here feeling devestated, depressed and generally sorry for myself. Best thing you can do until you're in another band is keep honing your skill, write new shit, experiment with stuff, work on your recording and mixing, stuff like that. Don't sit there and stagnate and let yourself get sloppy, keep your chops up, improve them even, and look for a new band.
It's a really fucking weird feeling. I feel like I broke up with my girlfriend, like I said before, or something. (decimus being my girlfriend)

But it's like really depressing. I put so much of my life into this band, everything I had, and now that it's gone, its like a part of me is lost.
It's a really fucking weird feeling. I feel like I broke up with my girlfriend, like I said before, or something. (decimus being my girlfriend)

But it's like really depressing. I put so much of my life into this band, everything I had, and now that it's gone, its like a part of me is lost.

And I feel/felt exactly the same. The more you dwell on it, the worse it'll be.
If whatever that dude up there said is right, and you're 17, then me and you are one and the same. I'm 17 too.
We're young though man, we got years ahead of us to hone our skills.
It was a learning experience though, right? You grew as a musician while in this band, right?
Next band you're in will probably be even better. It's not such a bad thing.
Naturally if you place a lot of time and effort into something that comes to no avail you're going to feel that way. It happens. But now you have no ties and no connections to things should any other chance come your way.

You have no band right now, you can't change that. Now you've got twice the time to practice your craft (or start a new one, like singing) and your skill and value in any future projects will only increase should you stick with it. Find local studios and offer yourself as a studio musician, hook up with other local musicians, "swap tapes" as it were. You've got some space and freedom right now. Even though you may not want it, you've got it, use it.
I put so much of my life into this band, everything I had, and now that it's gone, its like a part of me is lost.

It's still experience.... Experience you can apply later in life... And experience has its value.

Give yourself some time. The efforts you made still improved your talents, and as I said, will apply in the future.

Once the next thing comes along, you might find yourself in an even better place! :headbang:
dude, don't stress. it'll be all good.

a year and a half ago, our drummer quit. i went away to school for a bit and then i came back and the rest of us decided to resume the search for a drummer. we found one and have been working with him for the last couple of months and things are going alright. so now we just find out that our bassist decides to quit to move to california with his girlfriend (we're based just outside of chicago). so now, technically, we consist of 2 guitarists since we haven't offered the drummer the position yet. actually we found another dude that looks to be way more promising that we're gonna start trying out next week sometime. we've already talked with a bassist and we're gonna keep putting the word out that we're still looking for people.

it sucks, trust me. i've been in this band for 4 years, the band has been around for 7 and the drummer and bassist were pretty much founding members.

but we're still going.
shit, i have a solo project that i do on the side, and if my band now doesn't work out or i can find other people i'll try to turn it into a full time band.

so don't worry, i totally understand where you're coming from but it's really gonna be alright dude.

if anyone around the chicago area knows a bassist or a drummer or you're a bassist or a drummer, check us out at and let me know.
Thanks for the support guys, much appreciated. I know it's kind of fucking lame, but its 3:15 AM, and I can't sleep because I think about the band when I lay down, haha. I had even started upgrading my rig so we'd sound better! life's a bitch, isn't it.

I know in my mind I love music and I can't just stop playing or anything like that. Having that dream is what drives me to strive for better, even if I'll never be a famous musician. The more I think about it, the more I realize it's a setback. a fucking MONSTROUS one. (losing a vocalist of that cailbur) but with dedication, I can overcome it.

hell, i'm going to be bored in college. i don't drink or smoke, so when everyone is out partying, i'll be sitting in my dorm, practicing. And above it all, that's what truly satisfies me, not the booze or the herb.
I was left without a band around this time last year and I made the decision to just get out of the industry and get a real job. Then about 15mins after I posted a ranting thread on here about the situation (and before I even actually finished the e-mail sent from the ex-band) I got a PM that led to my new band. Things have a way of working themselves out.
And things will work themselves out when time comes.
Before I got in my band I haven't played in a band for 2 years straight. But i did some gigs with a band when their drummer was injured and there was small tour coming up, so I took the job but despite of all really really good things i've been through with them they wanted their original drummer back.
In the meantime I was having contact with some guitarist player, we jammed a couple times and decided to form a band. It was really really hard to find bandmembers and things were not exactly taking off. Until i came back from two weeks of holiday i got a call from him "Hey dude, do you have time off coming thursday? I've found a band!" It was a band wich were still looking for a drummer and lead guitarist. The guy quitted later on but after almost two years I'm still in the band :) After bandmembers coming and leaving we are still here and we are full of talented guys and we have lots of nice things coming up :) Playing a gig with Textures, recording our debut-album and we are planning on a release party :) So things are looking good.

Always remember to hold on to what you believe in, and when you're seventeen you have a long long future ahead of you. Dammit i just turned 20 and I've just started living my life a little.