So my gay bitches of this bb! Let the truth to be revealed!

Originally posted by Anssi
And it´s not nice to kiss guys either. Women on the other hand are a different matter.

I thought you have kissed a guy in the past and you liked it a lot! :eek: no? ;)

Originally posted by Slash Freeman
Angel: Believe me, if you met my group of friends you'd have that rumour dispelled in a second. They're all such warm, loving people. Almost everytime we're together someone will say "I love you people" and everyone will agree and then we'll have a big group hug and kiss and grope (like i said, you'd LOVE my group of friends...............grroarrrr......;) )

well I wanna hope so! I dont really like very frigid people! :lol:
34%. actually, i'd have hoped to be gayer than that, what with my being in the gayest age and everything. at least i'd have more chances to score on a regular basis. ;)

rahvin. (sad not to be gayer)
im 29%....aaaand im really high.,.,.,.,hmmm.,.,.,i wish i was asleep right now.....but here..,.,taken a gay test......did i do good or bad? eh....o well.......:Smokedev:
Chryssa: I don´t think I said I enjoyed it, but that I found it an interesting experience.
It might be an interesting experience to get hit by a truck too! :p
Originally posted by Anssi
Chryssa: I don´t think I said I enjoyed it, but that I found it an interesting experience.
It might be an interesting experience to get hit by a truck too! :p

Dissapointing score?