So now thats it officially released. Any thoughts?

Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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Its gonna take me awhile to get used to it. More to Tim. The guitar sound is great. I like Attila the most including the Gettysburg trilogy. Maybe I just need to sit down and take a good listen to the whole thing. I can hear a few spots where it would have sounded awesome if Matt did em. Lie the chorus for Attila! But anyway. Good album, and Leo Hao did the art! Leo rules!
It took me awhile to get used to it too...but then I just remind myself to be pleased with what I've got. Tim is a good singer, and I'm pretty sure Matt isn't coming back, so I may as well enjoy what has been chosen (unless it sucks). I still think Jon needs to let more of the musicians in on the songwriting process...if he did then there would be more variety of sound, and would over all make the band better. Not to say I think the new material sounds rehashed (to me it doesn't), but I think Jon just needs to open up a bit in the future.

I think this trilogy has been one of the strongest Jon has ever done. It's funny, even though this album was just released, I am looking forward already to another album. I've listened a lot and just want more!
If the snow on the roads isn't too bad, I shall be getting it tomorrow. I will be hearing it for the first time completely. No downloads, I haven't even heard the single. I've been waiting for this one for too long, I want it to be special.
Yeah thats one thing I think IE is in need of now. Participation of others in song writing. The songs are turning cliche. And through 90 percent of each song anymore is only one guitar. There are no leads anymore. Its only rythem. Not that its a bad thing but there needs to be more elements to the songs. For instance on the trilogy. I think its a great story and he did a great job of capturing the emotion and feel. but the songs are boring to me. there is no hook, nothing catchy. I liked Hold At All Costs the most simply because of the guitar part, BUT he did the same thing for like 5 minutes straight. It gets boring.
My copy is about 60 miles from here at the post office in Bell, CA. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow. I guess I'm lucky in one way, I really liked Ripper's voice before he joined so the adjustment won't be too hard. I do hope I get to hear Barlow on new material in the future with some band.
What an awesome album. My favorites currently are the Gettysburg trilogy (read the lyrics and Jon's notes along with listening, you get a very good idea and images of the battle, very, very cool), Declaration Day, Red Baron-Blue Max, and When the Eagle Cries
just got the album tonight and Tim... yes not one my favorite singers but he does a good job overall. occasionally he get´s to cheesy and to high for my taste it´s too true metool for my taste

I´m not into all this constant war/soldier thing all the time (some of it is great though!) I liked John´s fantasy + personal lyrics better

favs after first listen
Red baron blue max
Hold at all costs is my fav. of the trilogy but it is impresive as a whole

rating 8/10
I think that the war/soldier thing is a much more interesting and thoughtful topic than b-grade horror films.. :)
Sydo said:
I think that the war/soldier thing is a much more interesting and thoughtful topic than b-grade horror films.. :)
well maybe...

i forgot to mention a dose of freedom fight and liberty...
It's Jon's store as far as I know and come on,it might be interesting for the history puffs that buy the album. It has a lot more taste than Maiden having all the merchandise shit all over the Brave New World booklet.