So, now we are being censored?

i like the way you say serious threads. Well said grasshopper.

Any thread that has anything negative to do or say concerning johnnie, should be taken very serious.
WILL>>>>that was fucking awsome. Great joke, it rings true hey?

REMMY>>>WTF? Youve given up havnt you? Yes, its all too clear. BTW, you spelled Johnny wrong.
deathstrike>>>i hate to laugh at my own postings, but yeah, i like it too hahaha.

yeah man, galloping is not very comfortable for the long haul
REMMY again>>>the fat lady is preparing to sing, the curtain is falling, the end is in site, your home plate, and the dude who just scored an out is kicking dirt on you as he is cursing out the not confuse ump for hump, as in jon humping YOU.