So on Opeths mainsite

Ohhhhhhhh snap.

He's been playing you guys. Playing you like a brand new Gameboy.
waz416c said:
hat is strange...!!!...ive always had a natural usual typing spelling style!!!.......... i wonder what makes it so much sexier than other posts.!!....!.. o well whatever floats your boat...... PEAC EOUT

Someone's gonna become rich and famous when he invents the online Waz translator.
waz416c said:
That is rather strange. I have always had a very natural/usual typing/spelling style. I wonder what makes it so much sexier than other posts. O well whatever floats your boat.

That is the funniest fucking Waz post I've ever read. I can just see him sitting at his computer, totally focused, hitting the keys one at a time.

Waz rocks. Anyone who disagrees is dumb or a noob or both.
12 year olds are pretty useless when they're not being used for jizz dumpsters folks