So THAT'S why we have different languages


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
According to the Bible WE(people that is) all spoke the same lanuage at one point after God created te earth.Then we decided to build a tower that reached up high into the heavens.God didn't like that, so he gave us all different languages to alienate us from eachother.

That is basically what the passage was about(somewhere in Genesis).Seems pretty goddamn fucking retarded to me.

I hate religion class.
Originally posted by retarded penguin
Seems pretty goddamn fucking retarded to me.

Thats god for you...retarded... Sounds pretty illogical to me, like the rest of that biblical bulshit. God has the power to erase an entire language from your memory, and replace it with another? surely someone would notice it had happened... All loving, my ass.
Well, regardless of the bible story, even if you believe in evolution, there probably was a common language at one point and geographical isolation mutated it into the various languages we have today. Basically, all current languages stemmed from like 5 or 6 languages (my bro knows what they all are, since he's got a linguistics degree), and those 5 or 6 had to stem from somewhere. Anyway, yeah, the bible says that because the people built the tower of babel and got all prideful about their accomplishments (thinking that if they built it tall enough they'd be equal to God), God confounded their languages so they'd not be unified enough to come up with another such idea. That's the story to the best of my recollection.

I figure even if the Bible isn't true, it's got some interesting ideas in it. Basically, the languages were split up at one point, and they explained it with the tower of babel story (obviously most of you consider it a myth, and at the moment I'm inclined to agree). It's like the flood; there is significant evidence that at one point most of the earth was flooded. Anyway, the point I'm making is if you take the religious lessons that are put in the Bible, and just use it for a historical reference, you get a basic gist of the history of the world, albeit a limited one.
Nicely put jimbob. I'm glad there's some people that have a level head on their shoulders before they simply say "God sucks. Religion sucks." Blah blah blah
Oh,I remember that story.I heard that one when I was in kindergarden.The teacher would have us all sit in a circle on the floor and read us stories out of one of those "My First Bible" books.What I'm most angry at them for is that they got me to believe in the bullshit lies they filled our years with.I know that some of my friends from the Catholic school are still going thru a religious school system and that's all fine for them.They believe what they believe and,just as long as they don't pass judgement on me for not believing what they believe(like my family does)or for breaking away from the things that we were all taught,then I don't have a problem with them.But when those teachers take away our ability to think for ourselves by telling us "This is what happened.This is the origin of everything.This is the only thing to believe in.If you don;t believe in this,you are going to hell.",especially when we are really young,that's when the problem starts.Who is to say that what they're telling me is right?I mean,how does the Christan theory of creation make any more sense than the Greek myths or H.P.Lovecraft's Chuthulu Mythos or even the Big Bang theory?It doesn't.So who are they to say that what they are preaching is right and everything else is wrong?Is it because they can market their lies the best?
Yes, Darkspot, yes. I was watching 60 Minutes earlier, and they had something about priests and celibacy... and how priests can come from other religion into Catholicism, and that's the only way that Catholic priests can be married... They were also saying that there are a lot of homosexual Catholic priests. What the fuck kind of sense does that make, if they believe homosexuals are going to Hell? They think their priests are going to Hell? Fucking sick.
ok, the Catholic in me is going to start to try to explain a couple things. First off famousamos, that "God sucks" reply from me wasn't directed at you. That was just a general statement. I've been to many a heavy metal board where everyone just seemed to hate God, but didn't really have a reason why. They just thought that because they listened to metal, they were supposed to hate God. And that's the kind of shit that pisses me off. So if you thought I was directing that at you, I wasn't. If it seemed like I was, my apologies. I just get sick of people hating God because they think it makes them "hardcore" or "a true metal fan" or whatever.
Now, in terms of the theory of creationism vs. the Big Bang or any other theory. Here is my explanation for this: The Bible says that God created the universe. It doesn't describe "how" He created the universe. So technically, the two theories do not cancel each other out.
Now, for the homosexuals thing. The Catholic church does not condemn homosexuality. And yes, there are many homosexual priests. The pastor of my church, who recently was kicked out of the priesthood, was homosexual. But homosexuality is not a sin. It is when a homosexual engages in sexual activity with another homosexual that is condemned by the church. It's the acts that are looked down upon, not simply being homosexual. A person has no control over that. It has been proven scientifically that homosexuality may be genetic, and humans have no control over that.
I'm not trying to condemn anyone's views here. To each his own, live and let live. I just wanted to try to clear up some things before all religion or Christianity is looked upon as evil or pointless.
If there is a God, then I do consider him evil. He punishes people if they don't believe in him. No matter how good of a person they are, if they don't believe in him, then they burn, but those that do believe, no matter how bad they are, are forgiven. Is that not evil?
What are you basing that on? Where does it say that if you don't believe, you'll burn in hell? And where does it say that God punishes people if they are evil? Here's what you need to understand. Humans were given free will. They have the freedom to choose to believe or not believe, and the freedom to live their life as they choose. What happens to us when we die is up to God. We do not know what goes through God's mind. If someone chooses not to believe in Him, yet lives an extremely good life, who says they burn in hell or go to heaven? Only God does, not humans. Also, those that believe in Him are not automatically forgiven. And yes, I can see why you would think that because there are a lot of Christians out there that think that, and it makes me sick. Just because you believe doesn't mean that you're set. No no, that's just the first step in the right direction. You still have to live your life right. And if God were evil, then why would we be here? There has to be a reason that we're here. We didn't just happen randomly. Some higher power put us here for a purpose. If God were evil, He wouldn't have put us here to begin with, or would have made us robots with no thoughts of our own. But we can live how we want and think and feel however we want, and I'd say that's pretty damn generous. All He asks is that we try to live a good life and believe in Him. If you choose not to believe, I won't force you to believe in something you don't want to believe in. But how God feels about that is beyond me, and I don't know how He feels about that.
although i disagree with much of what you said that is a good post. there are for sure different kinds of christians out there. those that take it upon themselves to condem and say whats going to happen and whos going to be saved, and those that actually know what their religion is seposedly about. fuck people that judge and fuck people taht think they are special or better than others. we're all the same. some of us believe and some of us dont. we'll find out whos right soon enough lets just fucking let each other live how we want.
*nod* Thanks for the clarification, FFfan. I really had no idea... I suppose I should move a little slower before I jump to conclusions. *shrug*

And I agree with Neal. Whatever happens happens, we shouldn't be assholes to each other about it. I may believe what I believe, but that doesn't mean I don't respect people that believe different things. Some of the people I'm closest to are very serious Catholics... I don't mind it one bit, as long as they don't try to change me.