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Sooooome people risk to employ meeeeee, sooooooome people live to destroy me. Ooooh either way they diiiiiiiieeeee. Theeeeeyyyyy diiiiiiiiieeeeeeee!!!!
Yeah but the old gods created the universe in wicked awesome ways, like killing giants and using various parts of their bodies to form the heavens and earth!
No one still believes in the Egyptian religions, we look back and we laugh at them... I can't wait till the day that the majority do the same with Christianity.
atheism isn't exactly a religion
Christianity (in specific) and religion (in general) are "belief systems"
when something horrendous happens (like a hurricane killing thousands of people) Christians say "Satan did that" and when something "good" happens (like a hurricane hitting the beach with no loss of life) Christians say "God did that" or "it's a miracle"
most people need some sort of deity to help them cope with things like hurricanes
also the whole "heaven and hell" thing is just a coping mechanism for death, when a loved one dies, we say that they're "in heaven" and the idea of heaven helps us through what would otherwise be extremely traumatic, when someone is horrendously evil, we comfort ourselves with the idea that, after death, they will be punished for doing things that hurt others

atheism on the other hand
is living your life without the psychological crutch of deity and proccessing and dealing with reallity as it really is
I'm all about the flying armbar.

Seriously, I might start worshiping them. Look how amazing!

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