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Grotesque Butchery Rabbit
So I figure we should all start punching holes in this bullshit. Here's your task - find an article, and come up with an intelligent rebuttal (though some of us lack the aptitude, so you may be allowed to just spew nonsense).

Here's mine:

Does the Bible Teach Evolution?

The simple answer to this question is “No.” In Genesis 1 we read the account of the creation (not the evolution) of everything—the universe, the sun, moon, and stars, the planet earth with all its varied plant and animal kinds, including the pinnacle of God’s creation—humans. Nowhere in this account do we read about molecules-to-man evolution. Furthermore, there was no time for evolution, for God supernaturally created everything in six literal days (Exodus 20:11, 31:17).
There are those who argue that Genesis 1 is a simplified account of evolution. But such a hypothesis does not stand up to scrutiny. A quick look at the order of the events in Genesis 1 and in evolution shows this (see chart below1). The order of events is quite different, and the Genesis account of creation bears no relation to the evolutionary account of origins.


The bible also says that a day in god's eyes is eons in ours (roughly translated). So why can't evolution have been 7 of god's days, or roughly 7 million years?
Being an Atheist means proclaiming there is absolutely no God. It's merely the opposite of any religion that believes there is a God.

I don't know either way, so Atheism is not something I'm into.. it's just six of one, half dozen of another.

I won't even call myself Agnostic. I believe when we die we turn into dirt and that's that.
Being an Atheist means proclaiming there is absolutely no God. It's merely the opposite of any religion that believes there is a God.

I don't know either way, so Atheism is not something I'm into.. it's just six of one, half dozen of another.

I won't even call myself Agnostic. I believe when we die we turn into dirt and that's that.

Being Pagan I can do whatever I want and like it :D
I've given some serious thought to going back on my Viking ancestry and actually adopting the old Gods. They actually appeal to me way more than a single all powerful deity. There's no such thing as one omniscient, omnipotent being. Fuck that. If Christians have to say 'youll never understand because its just beyond our comprehension' then it must be bullshit, cause they can't back it up.
I've given some serious thought to going back on my Viking ancestry and actually adopting the old Gods. They actually appeal to me way more than a single all powerful deity. There's no such thing as one omniscient, omnipotent being. Fuck that. If Christians have to say 'youll never understand because its just beyond our comprehension' then it must be bullshit, cause they can't back it up.

Gods impotent??
I still say god isn't impotent, cause god isn't a HE. God is god. No gender should be affixed, nor should any appearance.

Humans have the idiotic notion that every form of life should exist as carbon-based and should all be symmetrical. How ignorant and pious we are.

And speaking of impotence, it led me on a train of thought. Why doesn't Christianity ever acknowledge the whole Lillith and Adam thing?
Oh what the fuck, atheism is not the same as a fundamentalist religion. It's about using evidence and reason to support what you believe and appreciating the REAL world, not believing in something because other people do, or because that's what you want to be true. Nobody can truthfully claim that they know absolutely for sure that there is no god, because you can't prove a negative. What atheism says is that it's just really really really really really unlikely, so you might as well focus on things that you know actually exist.
Right, but why waste time using that knowledge to say "ha ha you're wrong Christians"

If they don't want to acknowledge the truth, that's their own problem. Thus why I said "active" athiest.
so you might as well focus on things that you know actually exist.
I don't think you need to consider yourself an Atheist to have these ideals. Everything I've ever learned or been taught about Atheism indicates they strictly believe that God does not exist.
Taking either a position affirming the existence of God or denying the existence of God, one finds oneself without a way to disprove the opposing position. The whole question is frankly uninteresting to me. I am disinclined to believe, as it means creating my own system of spirituality or selecting one of the preexisting, mutually incompatible ones. This seems like a path of daggers to me, and I choose not to walk it. I am inclined towards an absurdist philosophy, but I wouldn't have the temerity to claim it was True.
Shpongled said:
I don't think you need to consider yourself an Atheist to have these ideals. Everything I've ever learned or been taught about Atheism indicates they strictly believe that God does not exist.

Well I'm sure some people think of it that way, but the vast majority of people working in any sort of scientific field are atheists which should tell you that those who are looking for actual answers don't need the crutch of religion to explain what we don't know.
This is like arguing Satanism. The intelligent crowd and the bigger following feels that Satanism is just about earthly gains and when you're dead you're dead. but some morons think it means actually worshipping Satan.

One qualm I have with Satanism though - if you don't believe in God or Satan, then stop fucking using the name Satan in your religion jackass!