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Well I'm sure some people think of it that way, but the vast majority of people working in any sort of scientific field are atheists which should tell you that those who are looking for actual answers don't need the crutch of religion to explain what we don't know.

If by real answers you mean answers that have practical applications in this life here on Earth, I suppose I would agree, though many spiritual people would claim their answers are just as useful to them.
Isabel - because most humans have some strange need to project their 'feelings and emotions' on other entities. and when no one else really gives a fuck about that person they decide 'fine ill create a god'.

And most of all humans feel a need to make themselves bigger than they are, and a god makes them feel special, like a sort of reverse empty nest syndrome thing
And speaking of impotence, it led me on a train of thought. Why doesn't Christianity ever acknowledge the whole Lillith and Adam thing?

Some sects do. What we call The Bible today was assembled over centuries, and those assembling it got to pick and choose what parts of ancient Judaism they included (not to mention cutting out the many other sects of early Christianity). The Catholic church does it to this day whenever a new writing is uncovered in some cave.

What I don't understand is the need for outside supernatural entities. Why isn't it enough just to be people?

Because dying is scary and life is full of pain and religion tells us "Don't be afraid, everything will be OK"
lol what? The burden of proof is on the believers.

The scientific method doesn't so much prove things are true as demonstrate through experimentation when things are false. Whatever is left at the end is our working theory. The ability to weed out bad ideas is really the selling point of science over religion as a system of dealing with being human in a hostile universe.
Lots of people need it though. Unfortunately not all of us are fully able and/or willing to think for ourselves.

Indeed. I have lost friends due to them finding God and not agreeing with my belief system and the fact that I'm not religious. These ideas were obviously put into their heads by the church and it is a damn shame that people will turn on others so easily simply because of the religious/spiritual beliefs.

Holy Wars, anyone?
All I know is Rust in Peace is a fucking timeless album and I'm going to listen to it now :kickass: