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Uhh no. An atheist comes to the conclusion that god/other supernatural entities don't exist because there isn't any logical reason to believe that they do. By that same reasoning, if evidence surfaced to support the existence of god, the atheist would have to reexamine. But since a lot of people have been looking for a long time to find proof and still haven't succeeded, I'm confident enough to come to the conclusion that god doesn't exist, and thus I am an atheist.
Uhh no. An atheist comes to the conclusion that god/other supernatural entities don't exist because there isn't any logical reason to believe that they do. By that same reasoning, if evidence surfaced to support the existence of god, the atheist would have to reexamine. But since a lot of people have been looking for a long time to find proof and still haven't succeeded, I'm confident enough to come to the conclusion that god doesn't exist, and thus I am an atheist.

Actually, Atheists believe that there isn't such a thing as deities, otherwise known as supreme beings. Athesim does not rule out the supernatural.
Uhh no. An atheist comes to the conclusion that god/other supernatural entities don't exist

because there isn't any logical reason to believe that they do.
Wrong. An atheist believes that there is logical reason to believe that they do not. That's a big difference. An atheist does not say, "I don't think there's a God because I haven't seen one yet". That's an agnostic. An atheist says, "There is no God, period."

a = no

theos = God

By that same reasoning, if evidence surfaced to support the existence of god, the atheist would have to reexamine.
That goes for all beliefs, really. All beliefs would have to re-examine their theory of evidence supporting the contrary came to light. What's your point?

I'm confident enough to come to the conclusion that god doesn't exist, and thus I am an atheist.
Which means that you can confidently claim, "there is no God, there isn't even a 0.1% chance that there is", yes?
I don't believe in a god because I have absolutely no reason to. Because a lot of other people think one does? No thanks. I think you should look for a reason to believe in something, rather than assuming something is true and then looking for reasons why it might be false.

That goes for all beliefs, really. All beliefs would have to re-examine their theory of evidence supporting the contrary came to light. What's your point?

Well if you admit that new evidence coming to light might change your belief, you really don't believe 100%, do you? Which means by your definition that nobody rational is an atheist. Being an atheist means not having faith, either in the certainty that God exists or the certainty that he doesn't. I can't prove that God doesn't exist, just like I can't prove that there isn't an invisible unicorn sitting next to me, but I still don't believe in either of them.
I don't understand why it has to be one or the other. Totally refusing any possibility of some higher power is just as hypocritical as totally refusing possibility of the lack of one.

Why can't we just say, "I dunno" and leave it at that? Why do we HAVE to believe or disbelieve? For some reason we have to choose sides...why? Why can't we just say, "I dunno but I'll keep an open mind"?

Because humans think they have the answers for everything. They can't remember where they put their fucking car keys, yet they are SURE about all the secrets of the universe.

I can't wait until the entire human race is wiped out and we become cyborgs.
Why can't we just say, "I dunno" and leave it at that? Why do we HAVE to believe or disbelieve? For some reason we have to choose sides...why? Why can't we just say, "I dunno but I'll keep an open mind"?

Because it's just not logical to believe in a god.
Which means by your definition that nobody rational is an atheist.
It's not my definition, but yeah, being an atheist is as naive as being a theist.

Being an atheist means not having faith, either in the certainty that God exists or the certainty that he doesn't.
WTF no! Being an atheist means you firmly believe that God does not exist! Being an atheist is not just having "no faith" - it's rejecting the idea of a God and actively believing no God exists. Again, not having faith in either certainties = agnosticism.

With part of "a-theos = no God" would you like me to explain again?

Why can't we just say, "I dunno" and leave it at that? Why do we HAVE to believe or disbelieve? For some reason we have to choose sides...why? Why can't we just say, "I dunno but I'll keep an open mind"?
You can. It's called agnosticism.
Buy now, they are off The End and this one is a self produced fairly limited run (1000-ish). Although I assume when they get a label again they'll rerelease.

ok, self-produced + limited run + not on a label + fantastic band = need to buy to support these fine folks


plus they have some Ernst Haeckel artwork on SHIRTS? So cool! Too bad I don't really like the styles they chose (starfish? pfffffft, bring on some siphonophores! the other "Starfish" shirt is not colored and looks too much like broccoli)
It's not my definition, but yeah, being an atheist is as naive as being a theist.

WTF no! Being an atheist means you firmly believe that God does not exist! Being an atheist is not just having "no faith" - it's rejecting the idea of a God and actively believing no God exists. Again, not having faith in either certainties = agnosticism.

With part of "a-theos = no God" would you like me to explain again?

You can. It's called agnosticism.

Well, yes Stormo. It was a rhetorical question. To completely cut yourself off from any idea that you don't agree with is the philosophy of both Christians and Atheists. Both sides don't know for sure, only what their (their being humankind) infinitesimal minds have comprehended over the years, which is about like an amoeba floating around in space.

The audacity that humans have, to even begin to lay claim that they KNOW for a FACT that there is or there isn't a god, completely and solely based on their miniscule time on this miniscule and relatively young planet and even universe, whatever they perceive as being the truth is absolutely and positively ludicrous. Wars are fought because of one person telling the other person that they're wrong, when neither can be 100% sure of being right.

Their perceptions, having been influenced from birth by family, media, and their own critical thinking, is all just an impulse in our brain; a brain that we can't even tap fully into.

I'm not making a case for either Christians or Atheists...just playing devil's advocate.
Stop labeling each other as either agnostic or atheist. Who cares. Believe in whatever the fuck you want.
Yes atheist means "no god" but that's not the ONLY single connotation it has. I don't believe in anything 100% because I am always open to the possibility of changing evidence in the future. I don't believe in god in the way that I don't believe that the sun revolves around the Earth. Have I witnessed undeniable proof myself? No, but all the evidence points to one conclusion. I'm not an agnostic because I am willing to take that last leap to come to the assumption that there is no god. The difference between atheism and fundamentalist religion is that atheists are able to change their perspective if there is a logical reason to do so, whereas the theists have been basing their beliefs off the same book(s) for thousands of years.
Stop labeling each other as either agnostic or atheist. Who cares. Believe in whatever the fuck you want.

I am labeling myself an atheist. We're an underrepresented minority.

I am labeling myself an atheist. We're an underrepresented minority.


Atheists are definitely not a minority anymore.

Yet the percentage of Catholics as a share of world population dropped. In 1978, 17.99% of the world's inhabitants were Catholic; in 1990, the tally was 17.68%; and in 2002, 17.2%.

Half the world's Catholics are in the Americas (49.9%); 26.15% in Europe; 12.84% in Africa; 10.3% in Asia; and 0.78% in Oceania.