- Join The Fight!

I agree with Isabel pretty much completely, so I'll just let her argue for me.

Though I will say, that in this day in age, I find it fucking pathetic that people still cling to religion and spirituality.

Oh, and I don't like Megadeth.
I like plenty of things!

I like death metal, i like black metal, i like some thrash metal, i like a power metal band or two, i like masturbating, i like bacon, i like beef, i like star wars, i like the internet, i like comics, i like my penis, i like tits, i like living in a city, i like makin fun of fat people, i like making fun of religious and spiritual people

to be continued
I could rant on for hours in this thread, but instead I'm going to call myself an Existentialistic Atheist, and that I'm secular (I fucking HATE people with power who believe they're doing God's work or doing things in the name of God.) but by no means do I really need to categorize myself. I'm a factual person... I use fact and reason to dictate my own life, and in no way do I believe that people need God to feel meaningful. Fuck that.
At the end of the day, saying "I believe in reason" is still saying "I believe." Choosing science over religion is choosing to have faith that science can produce true answers where religion cannot.

It is entirely possible that there are no true answers to be had, and the idea of truth itself may merely be a conceit of our species.

Back on topic - new Giant Squid appeared in my mailbox as if delivered there by unseen hands. I'll be digesting this slowly, in the way Sarlacci digest prey.
What atheism says is that it's just really really really really really unlikely, so you might as well focus on things that you know actually exist.
No. Atheism strictly proclaims that there is no God. As long as you keep that 0.01% chance of there actually being a God into account, you're agnostic. An atheist rejects the idea of a God entirely, not just for 99%.

So many people call themselves atheists because it sounds cool, when they're really agnostic.