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Not really. 2% is still 140 million people, plus the 860 million people who are non-religious.
In the grand scheme, yea, Atheists and Agnostics are a minority, I was saying in the context of people, there are still a billion people who don't believe in a deity.
...I'm aware, I already contradicted myself.

The point I'm trying to make is that Atheists all seem to think they're alone in their thinking, when 1/6th of the world are with them.
That deserves a

I was going to mention that, but I don't really think it's a trend as much as it's people finally starting to think for themselves. I guess you could label me as agnostic, but my line of thinking tends to lean more towards an atheist's mindset. Not necessarily their beliefs, but their "prove it to me" mindset.
I'm sorry but I have just as much viking ancestory as most of you that do, probably more. If you need a 19 year old to tell you "adopting the pagan gods" isn't as stupid as beleivining the one being shoved down your throat, you're an idiot.
And no Stormo, I'm not an agnostic because I'm not undecided on the issue. Don't dismiss my viewpoint as "trying to be cool" just because you have a different definition of atheism.
You agree that atheism = firmly believing that there is *no* God or higher power, yes?

Also, agnostics are no "undecided", agnostics believe that the nature of God is, in its essence, unknowable. They are quite decided on the unknowability of God.

Believing that there is no god but being willing to change your opinion if presented with compelling evidence to the contrary is a valid definition of atheism in my book.
Yeah, well... your book... your book... is, like... Gay! There!
I'm not going to claim that I'm 100% positive that there is no god because I like to base my decisions on proof and you can't prove that something doesn't exist. But since I have no reason to believe, I don't, and therefore I am an atheist.